
I'm about to buy a ps3. what games should i buy?

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i like rpgs and shooters




  1. metal gear solid 4

    grand theft auto 4

    battle field bad company

    call of duty 4


    Soul Calibur 4

  2. oh!! this is definitely my kinda quetion!!!

    you HAVE to buy conflict denied ops, its a bad *** war gam, and the online multiplayer is fun as h**l..


    battlefield bad company

    rainbow s*x vegas 1 and 2


    call of duty 4. that game was GOOD....

    reisistance fall of man

    turning point, fall of liberty

    assassins creed is good.

    metal gear solid

    the new god of war! which aint out for a while

    yeah defnitely get conflict denied ops! if you play online multiplayer, my husband and i can teach you! he's ranked 12 out of 8,000 we LOVE playin, you become friends with a lot of the people you meet on there. oh and buy a HEADSET!

  3. Assassins Creed. Not Much of a Shooter game but has some awesome game play and graphics. But here I'll let the game speak for its self. It is rated Mature I do believe so you have to be of age to visit the site. The ask for a birthday.

  4. rpgs

    Elder Scrolls 4 oblivion


    Call of Duty 4

    Resistance Fall of Man

    Battlefield Bad Company

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    The Orange Box

  5. battlefield 4 is bad *** if you can play it on line

  6. Metal Gear Solid 4 is a must-have for all PS3 owners, it's not really a shooter, more of a stealth game, but it's one of the best games out today for the PS3, and only the PS3. It has some of the best gameplay, graphics, story, and sound effects of any video game this generation. RUN... do not walk... RUN to your nearest retailer and buy this game

    Resistance: Fall of Man is a really great shooter, it has a pretty interesting story, great campaign, and kick@ss online. Not to mention it's only $30 since it's a Greatest Hit

    You could also wait for Resistance 2 to come out this November

    As for RPGs, I hear Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a really great RPG, Oblivion is like a beacon in an ocean of mediocre RPGs. The game is at least a solid 150+ hours long and there's so much to do besides the main quests; plenty of fun side quests, cool weapons, choosing your own race ( there's 20 to choose from), joining guilds, so on.

  7. Honestly, don't buy a ps3. They're horrible. More expensive and don't have good games. Get an Xbox... But if you must buy one, the game that I reccommend is Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy 13 (it's not out yet).  

  8. Battlefield Bad Company

  9. The best rpg coming this year is Fallout 3 it's coming out on October 28.

    Watch the videos all the way to 5 trust me on this game you are gonna love it.

    The best ps3 shooter is Resistance 2.

    But you can buy Socom Confrontation coming out on October 16.

    There is also little big planet this game you can create your own levels and everybody is saying this game is gonna rock.

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