
I'm about to give my betta the most pimped out home!?

by  |  earlier

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And I have a few questions! I am good with betta homes, but not with seriously pimped out ones! I am gonna rescue a betta from a pet store and I wanna give it a BIG 5 gallon tank with a filter and a heater. I have 145$ but I don't want to spend it all. Can you show me some Brands of tank heaters and filters for a good price? (No, I am not gonna get an eclipse system or other system with a build in filter cuz the filter is to strong) So can you give me a list and price range? its gonna be 5 gallons, maybe more or a little less, but I want to get a good deal on it.




  1. get a 5.5 gallon tank (~$15), aquaclear mini power filter (adjustable flow from 30-100 gph, so you can get it just right, ~$25), hydor theo 25w heater (~$25), and a glass top and 16" flourescent strip (~$30-45). pick a finer gravel for substrate and you can grow low-light plants like java fern and java moss to help your fish feel more at home and keep the tank a little cleaner. so you're looking at around $100 for an awesome betta habitat.

  2. with such a strong filter and a 5 gallon tank plus all the supplies (gravel, foos, net, etc.) youll prob end up spening at least 100.

  3. get a minibow 5 gallon:):)

  4. Your my favorite type of  Betta owner.....

    Congrats on the betta.

    A 5 gallon is a sweet home for a betta..

    Heater wise, really any heater is fine just get like the 2nd or 3rd cheapest heater you see.

    Filter wise, if it's just him the best filter is no filter at all. Just do 20% water changes weekly. Bettas love peaceful slow moving water and not the racket a filter will make in that tank. He breathes from the surface allowing him to tolerate unfiltered water. Just don't over feed him as too much waste and uneaten food are your only enemies.

    If you want get a airstone and sneak it in the corner to cause some motion and circulation.

    Most bettas love caves and plastic plants they rest in like a hammock.

    Clean your plastic plants in aquarium water as the gravel sides of the tank and plants will have the beneficial bacteria your tank needs to be happy.

    Slap a mirror on one side of the tank for entertainment if he likes it and your good to go.

    Once the betta figures out he territory is safe he will be one happy betta.

    Good luck!!

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