They say there are mountain lions in Spearfish Canyon, part of Black Hills National forest, and rattle snakes. if I am confronted by one, what should I do? I know not to run, but at what point is it wise to start screaming and lifting my arms and throwing rocks at it and charging it a little to maybe scare it away?
also, they say they are nocturnal hunters, yet do a google image search and you see many pix of them in pre-attack position in the daytime. Are they agressive enough to attack me while im asleep in my tent (after having smelled me like the nice morsel I must appear to them or it) and since i dont want to carry a gun, will a knife and a can of pepper spray do?
Finally, if you don't mind, what to do in the event of rattlesnake bite; since they are out there too. Where do i get a snakebite kit, and how do you use it? and what if i don't have a snake bit kit.
For all of these scenarios by the way; picture me miles into the wild, not anywhere near society so I can't make it to the hospital or elicit help from any human. ten pts for the most serious and competent response, and thanks in advance yall!