
I'm about to kill one of my friends?

by  |  earlier

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He's dating this one girl and my stupid friend gave my number to his gf. She gave it to all of her friends and now these stupid girls are constantly texting me, during school too. Should I beat him up or what?




  1. Try going to the cell company website and blocking certain phone numbers.

  2. I think you should because he is not respecting you and your personal space issues.

  3. friends before hoes bro!

  4. h**l no.

    wtf? you have girls texting you?

    just tell THEM to stop.


    like if I were to text you, and you didnt like

    me why would you beat up the person that gave me

    your number?

    makes no ******* sense?

  5. i would be mad too. maybe you should tell him it really annoyed you and then tell all the girls texting you to knock it off.

  6. ha ha ha  you should

  7. 2 words:

    new number :)

    oh and when u get a new number dont tell him xD

  8. I'd just let them know how immature they are and ignore them, they just want to bug you, so just don't respond, and cut off all ties to you friend.  Sounds like you need new friends that aren't so full of drama.

  9. don't beat him up you will go to jail.  try to change your number and don't give it to him.  don't answer the text messages. the girls will get tired of calling.  good luck

  10. Man you don't beat up your friends! It just depends on whether he meant it maliciosly or as a joke. Either way, have a word with him and tell him your pissed that he did that and that it was not cool.

    Good luck!

  11. its probably because the girls are attracted to you? anyways if you don't text them back they'll stop texting you. just be smarter when picking your friends next time lol.

  12. get new frineds

    and a new number...

  13. ur screwed

  14. kill him. violence is the answer

  15. one word PIMP

  16. maybe one of them are hot.

    give em a chance, hes just trying to help you.

  17. ya, i know im always pissed when a bunch of girls text and call me.  i mean i hate it when theres too many girls around...  

  18. nah dont beat up your friend...just try to forget about the whole thing everyone will move on once they all get over themselves...

    and as for the girls texting you???

    if you dont want to ignore them give them one word answers

    ex: whats up?

    nuthing. ((its an original conversation ender =]))

  19. Ignore the texts and calls. They'll stop eventually.

    ♥ Can you pleaaase answer this?

  20. neuter him.

  21. are any of the girls hot?

    and if so

    what the h**l are you complaining about?!?

  22. yeah beat him up well i guess you should change your number

    answer mine

  23. Just remember to use bleach and alcohol on the crime scene, and burn the body. lol

  24. sure kill him

  25. tell your friend that he shouldnt of given girl your number

    then tell the girls that you want to be left alone

    or tell your friend to do it

  26. you should settle it by whoping his *** he shouldnt be doin dat kinda stuff

  27. explain to the girl that your stupid ignoramus friend gave your number to all these dumb girls an you get soo annoyed when they text you, and then ask the girl out and say the one i like is you.

  28. Why would you not want that? Big deal, make some more friends.

  29. Violence will only get you in trouble and make you seem like a jerk. Just forget about it and explain the situation to the girl you like. He isn't a very good friend. In time, things will resolve themselves.

    edit: Wow, you told girl that you hate them? You sound like a jerk to me. I feel bad for your ex-friend and and the girl that you are hitting on.

  30. Ok first tell the girl ur working on , what happened, then start boasting to your mate bout how popular you are with the ladies and rub it in his soo much lol that would teach him =] and tell the girls whose texting you something like " you know even if you text me , i wont text yah back , so your basically wasting your own money" or just block the numbers if you can XD

    Good Luck to you!

  31. Wow, he really betrayed your trust. I don't blame you.

    Can you make a recording on your phone? I can on mine, and I made a recording of quiet, like just a fan going in the room. I set that ring recording for all calls other than the ones I want from family and friends.  

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