
I'm about to move into US Navy military base housing, and I want to paint my kids' room, can I?

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In a few months I should be getting stationed onto base housing at Widbey NAS in Washington. I want to paint my kids' room like a castle, with rolling hills, trees, flowers the works! I have no problem painting the room back before leaving, but I was wondering if I will even be allowed to do so in the first place? Thanks!




  1. You can. You just have to restore it to its original color when you clear quarters. But you are going to need lots of paint to ensure that the vibrant colors of what you plan don't "bleed" through.  

  2. We're an Army family. Neighbors of ours did that. They had to get special permission and take this silly "painting course" of one day.

  3. I work for Military Housing and we do allow residents to paint just as long as they paint it back upon moving out. Usually they are required to fill out a work order in the housing office for approval prior to painting. Word of advice, do paint it back if they allow you to paint, it will cost big bucks to pay them if you do not restore the walls to the original color. Our paint contractor charges upwards of $250 per coat.

  4. Every base is different. we are Army and we had to go to the housing office and show them the colors and get them approved. then they gave us a letter stating we had permission for the following colors to paint.

    you have to ask housing if you dont want to get in trouble. the only way you will get in trouble is if you have maintenance come in to fix something and they rat you out.  

  5. Some places are more strict than others. I know there are some places here in San Diego where you can and just a handful where you can't. They'll tell you for sure when you move in but most likely you'll be able to. The castle theme sounds cool though! I hope you're able to do it!  

  6. Since military housing has been privatized by civilian companies things have changed.

    But more than likely you can as long as you paint it back before you move out.

  7. Not sure about the navy, but in the army yes.  As long as it is painted back when you move out you are fine!

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