
I'm about to take some Ecstasy what should I expect?

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One is a blue pill and one is yellow. How do you know what it has in it?




  1. * Severe dehydration

    * Seizures <--- REALLY NOT FUN

    * Strokes <--- REALLY NOT FUN

    * Dramatic increases in body temperature (death by overheating is not unusual)

    * Muscle breakdown

    * Kidney failure

    * Liver and heart failure

    * Damage to hormornal systems <--- REALLY NOT FUN

    * Potential brain damage with repeated use <--- REALLY NOT FUN

    Sound like fun? If you really want to die you are better off dying from asphyxiation. Suicide is NOT easy. 95% guarentee that you will fail.

    Just smoke some pot and relax. You are one of my favorite people. Please don't go down this road. Feel free to add me, stillchosen1, and we can talk if you want to. I've seen the worst so whatever you want to say to me will not surprise me.

  2. Don't take it at all...If you don't know what it does don't take it.

  3. You might not care if you die, but think about everyone who would..... Until you lose someone to suicide, you don't know the effect it has on the people left behind.  Suicide is selfish.  You need to get help and start being positive.  DRUGS are no good.

  4. You don't

    Buy a test kit

    Its more likely going to be meth, DXM, or a research chemical than actual MDMA

    If you feel that bad, honestly you should probably take it. It probably won't be poison or anything else harmful (a dealer doesn't want to kill their customers) and anything else that it could be might actually make you feel better.

    If its real MDMA you will definitely feel better.

    A Marquis Reagent will tell you what it is, you just need to know how to interpret it

  5. I would suggest NOT taking it as Ecstasy can be an extremely dangerous drug, especially if you have an allergic reaction to it - it is also linked to kidney problems and mental health issues.

    However, if you still want to take it, do so in a safe environment that makes you feel comfortable and in control. You should never take drugs on your own, make sure you have someone you trust with you. When on Ecstasy you will feel happy, friendly, loving and lively however, you could also have some negative feelings and side effects, you may also have a bad come down from the drug and feel unwell. Whilst on ecstasy you will feel the urge to drink a lot, it is extremely important to make sure you control your intake of liquid carefully to avoid drinking too much or too little and never mix Ecstasy with alcohol.

  6. The short answer is that you don't know what is in it. It could be anything from methamphetamine to dextromethorphan to caffeine to nothing at all. You need to be very careful! If you must take it (I don't recommend doing so, you should flush them down the toilet), only take a small piece of it initially. I've taken X on several occasions, and I remember one time, I had taken several identical tablets once a week for 3 weeks. I figured I knew what was in them, and that they all had the same chemical at the same amount. Boy, was I wrong. The next time I took one, the effects were completely different than the other three, and it was horrendous. MDMA affects different people differently, and you can look on to read reports of users experiences. You'll see some good, some bad, and some completely crazy experiences, as well as medical problems. Be careful with this, it could kill you!

  7. well i'm a complete d**k and this girl i met was high on e and ended up being my fiance, she'll soon be my wife (poor girl). bad things can happen. I agree that death is inevitable and wheather there is an afterlife or not you can't escape that both outcomes render life pointless. we are here wheather we like it or not. I choose to spend my life helping people and having fun though I long ago realised that ultimately there is no point. However bad thing get I treat it like a game. Points for s*x, points for laughs and points for making someone else smile. Sucide is just giving up. feel free to email me if you just want to corresponed with a stranger that has been depressed and suspects that this a cruel random existance but still for some reason plays games and loves to think, chat and debate. if not me then someone. we are all ultimately alone in lifes struggle yet we all sometimes think we are the only one struggeling. please try not to die yet

  8. Don't do it unless you want to meet Jesus or Satan tonight.

  9. Could be cut with absolutley anything. Don't do it. Could kill you or you could have a bad trip.

  10. you dont, this is unwise. could be anything from rat poison to LSD.  You might kill yourself taking one or the other.  

    that testing kit bit? unscientific and might hurt you as well.

  11. Go to the Emergency Room.

    Talk to someone.

    Get Help... don't be afraid to ask for it.

    Life can be a beautiful experience if you're healthy. If you're thinking about suicide, you're not healthy. Drugs such as Ecstasy will temporarily make you feel better but in the long run... they contribute to depression.

    Please go to the Emergency Room. Or call someone, anyone and ask for help.  

  12. Nobody knows exactly what is in X unless you test it with a test kit. Why are you asking if you dont care if you die? You must care sounds to me like you are and depressed and reaching out for help and attention. You should really get some help or call a friend/parent or someone you trust and tell them how you feel. TRUST ME. I am a suicide survivor and everyday i am thankful that i did not die. I overdosed on pills and the doctors told me that if i wasn't found when i was i would have died. I woke up in one of CAlifornia's worse county mental institutes barefoot and bloody from nurses trying to get an IV out of my hand. This place was disgusting and scary and they didnt feed us and we had to sleep on the floor with no blankets and 40 people with guards in one room. Does that sound worth it to you?  

  13. No one can really tell you what's in your pills unless they know the stamp and color, even then, it's kind of iffy. But if you're determined to take them, check them out on Pill stamps change all the time, so check the more recent reports to get a better idea of what's in your pill.

    People will try to tell you that there's deadly chemicals in your pills, it's 99% not true. The most common mistruth about ecstasy pills is that you could get one with heroin or LSD, which isn't true. The active dose of either of those drugs would be too low in a pill that's about 300mg. The most common adulterants are meth or speed, though sometimes drugs from the 2C-X family or DXM can be found in your pills. The only chemical that can pretty much outright kill you from taking 2 pills is PMA, which gives the feeling of an MDMA roll but has a much lower active dose (MDMA is about 100mg, PMA is about 35), it also has a much much much lower lethal dose (which would be in the range of 1 or 2 pills).

    To be completely honest, though, if you're depressed right now, I wouldn't suggest taking the pills. Taking E is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have for the 5 or 6 hours you're rolling, but the few days after are really tough emotionally because you have no serotonin in your brain, leaving you more depressed. The pills aren't going to kill you, but it won't leave you in a better place once the effects wear off.

  14. You may say you don't care if you die. But taking that unknown substance is not likely to kill you. It is more likely to give you a bad trip that will include nausea, vomiting, muscle tension, body tremors, panic attacks, and/or a feeling of being possessed by violent evil spirits. Probably after going through all that, you will still be alive and worse off than when you started. Why not find a way to feel better instead? Then you won't have to suffer OR die. Listen to AkaleiLae. That is truly the voice of experience speaking.

    It's kinda like all those people that don't wear seatbelts because they say, when their time comes it will come, and no seatbelt will save them from death if their time has come. Well, that may be true, but then when they crash they end up in a wheelchair for life instead of dying. I know you don't like to think of yourself as smart, but you obviously are or you wouldn't have posted the question. So be smart enough to get some help for your depression. Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

  15. PLEASE DON'T- I Think you are a cool person that i would like to know better

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