
I'm addicted please help!?

by Guest65366  |  earlier

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I'm addicted to soda, I only drink diet (I know it's still bad for me) How to do I break this habit of always having to have it?




  1. Drink espressos,   2 or 3   you'll too wired to think about soda,  but then you'll need to get off the coffee...... you can just ask another question when you get to that point!

  2. My Aunt had this exact same problem with Diet Coke.She was drinking a couple of litres a day!

    It's actually the chemical 'sugar' substitute they use in it. I can't remember it's name, but it's very long. But that actual chemical IS addictive.

    My Aunt Sandy found giving up the diet soda was quiet hard at first. She had to do a kind of withdrawl like a drug addict would just so she didn't suffer. So she cut down on how much she was drinking SLOWLY.

    So cut down. Wean yourself off slowly to avoid the withdrawls of the chemical.

    Once you don't drink it any more, stay away from it as one taste and that's it........

  3. wow diet soda is HORRIBLE for you, think of it as drinkin acid... because thats basically what it is...  it is soo CORROSIVE, that it literally EATS away the enamel on your teeth, and eats away at the lining of your throat and stomach, which can lead to health problems, internal bleeding, ulcerations.......  and the truth is, Coca cola, actually uses their syrup, to CLEAN the ENGINES of their trucks...  you can get rust off the bumper of a car by wadding up a piece of aluminum foil, dipping it in coke, and rubbing on the rusted bumper.... this next one ive tried and it worked, i was amazed..  you can get grease and oil out of clothes by first pouring a little coke on the stain, then the rest of the can in the washer with detergent, it will seriously take motor oil, off a jacket (thats what i did when my dad got it on my gramps jacket, it came out)   cops use 2 liters to clean blood off the streets after accidents and if you leave a piece of meat in coke, it will desintegrate, as will a penny over time.

    now that you see how horridly POWERFUL this stuff is, think of it next time you want to drink it.... these are really all true, things i learned in a health seminar..... its scary how strong the syrup is in this drink.

  4. You can do what katie said or drink some juice that's healthy like dole. It'll be better than water at least. There's still taste.

  5. i had this same problem. your addicted to the "refreshing taste" and the caffiene. try weaning yourself off of it. instead of drinking a whole can or cup. limit an amount each day and save it for when your craving that taste!

    good luck! :)

  6. convert to teas. i like green tea the best. stop putting it into your house and go out to eat as little as possible. you can have it sometimes like maybe 1 every 2 weeks but that's prolly it.

  7. I was the same way. I eventually realized that I was just craving something with some flavor to drink rather than just water. So, I switched to flavored waters for a while. While that may have just been substitution, it did help me to find plain water to be more palatable. A gradual switch eventually ended the compulsion for flavored beverages for me. Not that I do not still drink juice or other flavored drinks. I just no longer feel the need to, and have demonstrated that I can go a few days without them.

  8. like any habit you have to start slow. some people can go cold turkey others cant. if you drink say 6 a day. every couple of days do 5. then 4 and so on. it will take a couple of months but you can do it. also try other new things to drink. there are a lot of new products out there. hopefully you will find something you like and can replace soda. my husband and i are hooked on vitamin water. we are cutting back on sodas too. good luck you can do it!!!!!!!!!

  9. take it out of your house so if you dont have it you cant drink it

    = )

  10. restore your self

  11. stop buying it and when you get that awful head ache take tylenol

  12. I would just eliminate it out of your house to start with and replace it with water or even juice. Then when you go out do the same.

  13. just say NO!

    thats how i quit smokin

    i finally decided NO is NO!

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