
I'm addicted to sugar, how can I kick the habit?

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I absolutely have ot have tons of sugar everyday, cake, chocolate, wahtever I can get my hands on. I'm not overweight at all, but i'm worried I might turn out that way.

I've tried to eat healthy food, like broccoli, which is actually good, but I never feel full from it, so I start eating junk!





  1. ok you have to trust me on this, the sugar is a trap as it burns fast making you crave more sugar. You will be hurt by this. Diabetes is only 1 way but is bad enough. Drink diet sugar free drinks for now, use the yellow packet of fake sugar for everything. Back off the sweets like cake ect and try trading it out with something else like jolly ranchers sugar free. Then learn to controll how much you eat.

    Mmm…Muffins, chips, chocolate. We crave them because they increase the secretion of the mood-elevating brain chemical serotonin. Sweet and starchy foods (carbs) make us feel better, at least temporarily. But the hunger for serotonin sets up a destructive cycle of craving that can't be satisfied.

    Depression, anxiety and seasonal affective disorder all cry out for the medicating effect of carbohydrates. What's worse is that some of the medications for relieving these conditions ratchet-up our appetites and contribute to the problem. But if we're giving in to cravings for the wrong food, we're going to gain weight, suffer the "sugar roller coaster ride" and find ourselves wanting more.

    try this site

  2. There are two things you can do. One--go cold turkey. Cut out all sweets and focus on natural sources of sugar--like fruit. Or you can phase it out where you're not eating as much but still allowing just a bit. But once you kick or get control of your habit you have to be very careful because it is soooo easy to slip right back into it. You can seriously get to the point where you don't really miss it and then eat the wrong thing and slide right back into it.  It also helps to eat at regular intervals. I find if I let myself get too hungry then I want to turn to sugary snacks. If I eat regularly and never let myself get to the point where I'm ravenous then I can easily avoid the sweets.

    Edited to add--Do NOT do what another person said. Do NOT drink diet drinks or use fake sugar. Those are linked to a myriad of health issues, including cancer. Limit your sugar intake but if you do have it then you should have it in a natural form. Fake is never the way to go.

  3. Okay, whenever you crave sugar, eat a fruit instead. Your blood sugar rises when you do, and then you don't crave it as much. Also, eat bread before eating vegetables, and drink lots of water after. You also probably confuse the feeling of "not full" with wanting junk.

    Some people are actually thirsty instead of hungry most of the time, so drink 8 glasses of water a day and don't drink pop or juice.

    If you think you aren't full, think about something average like a sandwich. If you still want a sandwich after eating, it means you're hungry, but if you don't, and you want junk instead... that's just your addiction talking. I hope this helped! and remember that it's okay to have junk once in a while.

    Edit: I just remembered that it takes 15 minutes for your body to realize that it's full, so after eating wait 15 minutes and you'll see that you aren't hungry anymore.

  4. you can get diabetes from too many sweets. Stop buying the junk, and stock up on healthy food, yogurt, anything healthy!

  5. You are addicted to junk food, not the sugars. Why do you do it? That is what you need to figure out.

    Addictions come from an underlying issue.

    The easy fix, get rid of ALL the junk out of your house, and just don't buy it anymore. Snack on fruits, which should have enough sugar for you.  

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