
I'm adopted, should I feel guilty if I want to contact my biological parents?

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I'm adopted. Should I feel guilty if I want to (or don't want to) contact my biological parents?




  1. no, you have a right to contact them if you want to, they brought you into this world. and if you don't want to contact them, then no reason to feel guilty about it since they gave you up for adoption. I'm adopted too, and I know who my bio mom was but no idea about my dad, and i feel a strong hatred for my mum, and don't feel like i need to know who my father is, my parents are my parents i don't consider my bio family my family

  2. That question has been very much on my mind for 10 years. I am adopted, too.

    I decided I was NOT going to look for my biological parents because I had a lucky and happy childhood. And somehow it felt disloyal to ask for more....

    Just the other day Cynthia McFadden wrote, "Even though my parents told me they’d be supportive if I wanted to investigate, I suspected it would still feel like a betrayal to them."

    I read on further where she talks about interviewing someone in our shoes, too.

    You should definitely check it out at:

  3. Not at all you have every right to look for your biological parents.  However, always remember who raised you.

  4. You should not feel guilty either way.  A lot of adopted kids want to know who their real parents are and why they left.  And then a lot can care less, because they put them up for adoption, and they think that their adoptive parents are their "real" parents no matter what.

  5. Not at all. If you choose to contact them it's you're right. You have a right to know where you came from. If you decide not to contact them, that's fine too.

  6. Absolutely not. I would have so many questions. But, also, you shouldn't feel guilty if you don't want to. It's your life, you have to live it.

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