
I'm afraid of flying, how is this fear cured??

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I desperately want to go to England from the USA, but am terrified of flying. I'm worried about not having control of the plane, ( I drive my car, the pilot flies the plane). I know I sound like a worrywart you don't need to tell me that. I've never flown before...




  1. Hi

    there is no way really to cure your fear of flying ubt if you get on the aeroplane just tell yourself that everything is going to be ok. I hate going on the aeroplane and i shake loads if the plane like drops or goes over a bumpy cloud !! and i hate taking off. as long as your with someone you will be fine i have been over to america a few times but i have got the plane from like london to New york and then like to fort lauderdale and the time before that was Atlanta so it breaks the journey up by a few hours. I hope you do decided to go on an aeroplane to wherever it may be and conque your fear of worrying about plane crashes

    Good Luck x  

  2. It's natural you know. Everyone experiences it throughout their lives. When you fly often you learn not to dwell on it..but trust me, I fly often and I hate it. My solution is to get tired. If I'm tired and uncomfortable enough, I just want to get it over with. I stay up at least two nights before the flight and sleep all the way to my destination.

  3. There's a ton of things you can do to make your flight a little easier, and I'll list them below, but if you really want to get over your fear of flying, the only thing you can do is to go on flights. Go on as many as you can. Remember that these planes are up in the air all the time, and that their safety record is huge.

    I survived a helicopter crash in the Army, and I was terrified to get on a plane after the crash. I used the tips below to help get past the flight. Little by little, I've gotten over my fear of flying. Last week I had 3 different flights, one 5 hours long.

    Fear of flying is normal and it happens to a lot of people. here's a few tips and some facts about airplanes that may put you at ease:

    First off, grab an isle seat. Not being able to see out the window might make you feel more at ease. Bring music, video games, something interesting to read, etc. Anything to keep you busy. Get to know your neighbor. 4 hours and 47 minutes is just 2 movies and 2 good CDs.

    As you are seating in the isle, look at the faces of flight attendants to gage the seriousness of the turbulence you are experiencing. They have gone through serious turbulence, and you will see it in their faces when it's really bad.

    If you can sleep in the plane, go for it. Dramamine will make you a little drowzy. Are you OK with feeling like that? You can ask your doctor for a prescription for Xanax or Ativan. They will help you relax and take the anxiety out of flying.

    Read the inflight magazine and browse through the Skymall catalog, except start at the back page and make your way to the front with your non-dominant hand. It will take you longer and force you to concentrate, which will take your mind off flying.

    On an average day in the US there are 87,000 flights. That amounts to 31,755,000 flights per year.

    Out of those flights, there is an average of 47 accidents per year, or one in 675,638 chance of a plane being in a crash.

    In other words, you are fairly safe and should not worry too much.

    I hope this helps.

  4. If you don't feel like you need to spend a lot of money on therapy, I suggest exposure to a picture of an airplane. Then, take it a step up and spend a day at the airport to get used to the idea. Hopefully, by the time you need to fly somewhere, you'll be over your fear.

  5. maybe a bungie jump or really immense theme park ride, skydive ? I live in england, just get on the d**n plane lol

  6. Look at stats to help you, you are much mroe likely to die in a car accident then in a plane accident.

    Also, the pilot has been training for YEARS just to fly a plane, I'm positive he flies better then you drive.

  7. Travel over by land and sea it's a fantastic journey, providing you have time

  8. Tbh, the only way to get over the fear is to go on the flight.

    I was terrified of flying and then I actually flew and it was nowhere near as bad.

    Take someone with you you know and trust if you can, this helps just for reassurance.

  9. Grtting on the plane and flying is best. A repetition of something helps overcome the fear. like a fear of ladders or stairs, going up and down them and taking a few extra steps each time.

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