
I'm afraid of getting blood drawn!

by Guest67101  |  earlier

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Ok so when i was younger i went through a really bad anxiety problem and i was afraid of needles, and it just so happened i had to get my blood drawn for a test. I cant remember all of it but i do know they had to hold me down and i was screaming at the top of my lungs (i was like7). Its been 7 years since then and I'm not really afraid of needles, but i still don't like them. I know a day is going to come when i have to get my blood drawn and when ever i think about it it creeps me out.....i cant stand the thought of puncturing skin....even typing this is making me cringe. What can i do about this?I'm going to have to get my blood drawn in life and I'm really scared. any suggestions?I'm doing ok with shots now but i just got my 3rd Gardisil and i was crying before, during and even after i got it....severe anxiety attack.




  1. It can be very frightening but there are some things you can do to help your fears.  When giving blood, they give you a ball to squeeze.  SQUEEZE THAT SUCKER!  Squeeze that sucker until your hand turns red.  By channeling your fears into the ball, you will be able to better able to withstand blood drawing.  Don't look at the needle either. By looking at it, your brain says "This should hurt" and all of a sudden it hurts more than it should.  Good luck.  Trust me, you aren't out of the ordinary.  Oh, another note.  Always try to take your mind away.  Think of how angry your ex made you or what you need to buy for groceries.   This can help as well.  

  2. I almost had a panic attack before I got my blood drawn.

    I'm the same way...

    but I got it done and was sooo embarassed afterwards

    It's nothing.... it doesnt even hurt.... just like a needle poke....

    the part I was scared of was feeling the blood come out of my arm.... but i didnt feel any of it....and it didnt even hurt afterwards.

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