
I'm afraid of losing my best friend, help?

by  |  earlier

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She's going to a different high school than I am and we're literally always there for eachother, but now with her going off to one high school and me going to another, I just don't know. We live fairly close, so I could still see her often, but...I don't know, just live with it and try to get on?




  1. i'm going through the same situation, except we go to the same school. /:

    i hope you and your friend last. my situation's not working out so well...

  2. the question that u should ask yourself is

    is she really my best friend

    cause if she is then u have nothing to worry about

    best friends last forever

    u have  to know that if u'r a good friend then

    she is and will always b ur bffe

    (best friend for ever)


  3. I don't want to burst your bubble, but no matter how much you call, email, or hang out, there's still always that chance that you're going to grow apart. My best friend moved to Las Vegas from Jacksonville, Florida, in May of 2006. I honestly thought it was the end of my world as I knew it. We managed to stay in touch over the phone and through emails for two years. Two years! Seems like a long time, but I can promise it's not. For some reason I still can't figure out, she just stopped answering my calls and emails one day. It was hard at first, and sometimes I'm still a little bitter over it, but I've learned to move on. Of course I wish she was still a part of my life, but things change. If you believe it's worth it to you, then fight. Call her, text her, email her, kidnap her occasionally to hang out. But remember that both hearts have to be in it, even if it's something as simple as a friendship.

  4. this is happening to me 2 i know wat 2 do. u should always email her. keep in contact with her. when u meat, mabye talk about wats happeining at school and so and so someday in the summer mabye meet somewhere.  decide.

  5. I hope this helps but, friends come and go. Ive heard of ppl who have been friends since grade school. My parents and their friends for example, even when they were in different countries they were still friends. The key is to communicate. ANY relationship will not survive without good communication. Just keep in contact with her and if you guys drift wasnt meant to be...the next best friend will be a better one.

  6. make sure you tell her how u feel and tell her u want nothing to change between u to

  7. Nah nah..... if she's ur true best friend then 100% she wont leave u ;)... u can spend some time chat wid her or hang out shopping. Same thing happened wid me b4 when i was in primary n some of my best friends were separated so we r in diff schools now...but so far nothing bad happen even we don't hang out or chat ...i really miss them...anyways i got some new true friends but doesn't mean i will 4get my old friends... Good luck! Have a nice day!

  8. me and mi {ex} best friend went to different high skools and lived on opposite sides of the town and still remained best friends more like sisters. So it should work out at least you live close and dont have to take 2 busses to get to her house. have fun!  

  9. keep in touch!! dont let her drift away just caz you dont think you guys arent gonna be close!!!

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