
I'm afraid of sitting alone in the cafeteria?

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Well I'm starting High School tomorrow and only 2 of my friends are going with me because it's a transfer school for the fine arts. I didn't get the same lunch period with them and I know absolutely no one but them. I am afraid of sitting alone in the cafeteria and want to skip lunch altogether.

I am a shy person and avoid approaching people. What do I do?




  1. be cool and confident and relaxed. the OLD you used to be shy and avoid approaching people, but realize that you can completely reinvent yourself - its a new school, new you. you see those girls who are completely confident wherever they are - become one of them! meet someone in your class or in the lunch line and ask if you can sit with them. who knows? you may make life long friends. good luck :D -laura

  2. Try to meet some new people. If not that just eat your lunch and maybe the right people will approach you. I promise you that you're not the only person who feels like this.

  3. i say just eat your lunch by yourself most people go up to other people. and try to talk to people in your classes. most people try to talk to the people around them. plus its the first day of school. everyone is trying to make friends too.

  4. Don't think of yourself as shy! Really, everyone has a loud, outspoken side to them

    Ok, before lunchtime you should try your best to make a new friend. If you see him/her in the cafetaria, simply ask "hi! mind if i sit with you guys?"

    Or if your school allows you guys to go outside during lunch, do that. Maybe go to your house during lunchtime if you're afraid of sitting alone in the cafetaria. Or go out to the park or walk around while eating lunch. Or sneak some food in the library! Good luck

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