
I'm afraid of the dark so does that make me a big baby???

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I'm 13 and I'm afraid of the dark. I can't sleep in the dark by myself but I can if I'm with someone else. I sleep with a night light when I sleep alone. I need help, Should I tell my friends? Should I face my fears? What should I do???




  1. It doesn't make you any less mature than you actually are. You're just fine and you should tell your friends about it. They will understand.

  2. It doesn't mean that you are a big baby, some people child, or adult , don't like the dark.  The fact that you have a night light in your room to help you sleep is not a bad thing.  It is there to help.  If your are planning to have someone sleep over you could try putting it somewhere just outside your room so that it looks to be a nightlight to see by at night.  This will deter anyone from thinking that you are scared of the dark.  I wouldn't worry there are many people that are scared of the dark, believe me you are not alone.

  3. It is very natural to be afraid of the dark. Who knows what's in there? You can overcome this fear with some patience. Try slowly lowering the light level in the room at night. Take some time to get used to the new level and then try lowering it. Good luck.

  4. dont tell ANYONE they'll just make fun of you just wait till you outgrow it.

  5. you are not alone. Everyone is afraid of the unknown they just don't admit it. when you get  older it won't be so bad anymore. try listening to music at night before you go to bed.

  6. face your fears go in the middle of the room u r most scard of and stand there for 5min and well it worked for me if your scared any more do it agin

  7. Child, you are not a big baby!! I am 25, married with 3 small boys and if my husband isn't home, I sleep with a light on too. Not only that, I leave lights on through my house so I can see if I get up. You are not a baby, you just have a fear. I was always told that I would grow out of it, just never did!! Good luck!! Try to face your fears, one step at a time!!

  8. im 12 every time my friends spend the night i leave the tv on black secreen with little light to hide that im afraid of the dark and im a guy so i think it would be more normal for a girl..

  9. Not necessarily.  I am 29 and still sleep with a night light in our room, my husbands and mine that is.  My children both have night lights in there rooms they are babies though 3 years and 19 months.  Do what makes you happy don't worry about anyone else! 80)

  10. aw! dont worry about it! fear is a normal thing! being afraid of the dark is cool (sarcastic)...u should face ur fears! its better then..u learn something! i have faced many of my fears! if got over them, u are gonna get over ur fears too! :-P :)

  11. No. I am 26 and have 3 children of my own, and I don't like the dark. I don't think that it is so much the dark, but what is in the dark that I can't see. My 7 and 5 year old have nightlights in their rooms, we leave the bathroom light on, we have a nightlight in the kitchen and one in my room too. Don't feel alone, there are lots of people in the world that are scared of the dark.

  12. i don't think so its just a phobia which are fear that you can't or hard to get over and not be afraid. you my friend have  Achluophobia the fear of darkness.

  13. You aren't a big baby. I am 32, and used to be super scared of the dark when I was younger. Now I'm better, but still prefer a little night lite so I can see if I wake up in the night. Sometimes I still am afraid to just wander around the house when its the middle of the night. I think its more normal than you think.

  14. Try to face your fears.  No one is hiding in the dark.  But if it's a small night light, then that's not bad.

  15. you are not a baby! im 13 and turning 14 in a month and still use a nightlight! but, when i sleep over someones house or with my parents im fine with it dark in the room.

  16. Well first of all, there is nothing to be afraid of. Second of all it is perfectly normal to be scared of the dark. I think in some ways everybody is. I don't know about telling your friends, unless you have a really good best friend. Kids your age can be kind of harsh, even though they may have the same fear. I think you will get used to the dark the more you face it, and there is no age limit on night lights.

  17. It is more normal than you think. my sister used to be real scared of the dark and myself i can't sleep in anything but the dark. Well unless I am super tired. Night lights are cool they help when you have to get up to use the bathroom. You may not know it but most people your age are but would never admit it. Most of your friends probably still have some sort of stuffed animal on their bed. SO no you aren't abig baby but if you are still worried try spendinga little time in teh dark like a mintue and increse it every few dasy and tell your slef nothing is there nothing is there. Thats how i got over my fear I was like six and watched a holloween movie and didn't have nightmares yet I watched hang;em high and had nightmares for three days istill can't watch that movie

  18. yeah, i'm almost 12 and still can NOT sleep in the dark w/o my dog or grandma. it's good, becuase my dog AND grandma can't sleep either, so we make a great trio. if your friends annoy you bout it, tell them the FREAKIEST ghost/alien/anything creepy story you know, then say THAT"S WHY I CAN"T SLEEP!!!! (worked for me! : ) )

  19. my cuz is the same but shes 11.she never gets enough sleep cause she is afraid aliens will come and abduct her then she'll never come back.for u yes for her yes.i myself sleep on a bed with a TV and watch tv till i fall asleep.

  20. I was afraid of the dark till like I turned 14...and I am almost 15 now....I still use the night light though because my bathroom is connected too my bedroom so I use it too see in my don't is normal....everyone has certain fears

  21. you are not a baby! I'm married, have 2 kids and will not sleep alone. when my husband use to work the night shift i would have my kids sleep in the big bed with me!

  22. lol, NO - It makes you normal!!!

  23. it is not a big deal. i am 14 and terrified of the dark. my friends will either hold my hand or give me a flashlight. i generally have some sort of light in my room or sleep with a stuffed animal. most people are shocked when i tell them since i come off as older then my age (i have been told i have the wisdom of someone much older then myself) so they don't understand it, but they don't think any less of me. it should go away at some point, but until then don't worry.

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