
I'm afraid to go to sleep

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hi, im 13 an i've been sleeping with my mom for the last 13 yr and i just tried to sleep in my room, but when i get up there and close my eyes i feel like bloody mary is gonna get me or sum othe crazy monster like tht, wht should i do please help




  1. I used to have the same problem.  I found that you must face your fear.  Go to sleep in your own room.  

    Your body can only take so much fear.  So, if you force yourself to stay and show yourself that nothing bad is happening, soon, your mind will find other things to think about and won't be "on high alert" all the time.

  2. Its fake. Trust me. Think about it. Have you ever heard an adult say that they saw a monster in their closet. When you get older, you will realize there is no such thing. Just go to sleep and you will be surprised that you woke up in the morning and nothing happened to you.

  3. hahahahahahahahahahahah omg are you serious hahahaahahahahaahahahah omg roflmfao!!!!!!!! hahahaha wow your a panzy man i'd love to sleep at your house just to scare the living **** out of you

  4. i have the same excact problem will u pleasetell me when u get answers

  5. I'mm 13 too and i used to have the same problem except for i was scared of like chucky and samara from the ring but to help me i have to fall asleep with the tv on and that helps me....also just tell yourself its not real!

  6. try to sleep with the t.v on(for like a month or os get use to it) ..if you don't have a t.v try listening to some music...then try to go to sleep..KEEP YOUR MIND CLEAR...don't think about anything...

    also try to sleep early..

  7. I was the same exact way, in fact bloody mary used to scare me, then I found out that she can't harm you. I slept in my mom's room for years and years, it was just her and I. I know how scary it is trust me,but if you just one night get the courage and have your mom lay there until you get really sleepy then she will kiss you goodnight and head off to her room... it's the only thing that worked for me. If you're laying to yourself a bit, talk through it... it may sound crazy, but who cares! We are all weird in our own ways. =)

  8. This is a very common fear.  Do not feel bad.  It is simply mind over matter.  It is time to be a big girl and control your thoughts.  When your mind wonders toward the scary visions and thoughts zap zap zap it out like a lazer gun. let your mind go blank, use a night light, or play some jazz or other relaxing music while you are trying to fall asleep.  Good luck! Don't let fear rule your life because the longer you fear something the longer it will take for you to get over it and break the bondage.

  9. wow... i would say try having someone sleep in your bedroom with you until you fall asleep... or just sleep in ur room by yourself for one night and maybe you will realize that it isnt so bad!

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