
I'm afraid to lose my virginity?

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I am 15 and I am afraid to lose my virginity to someone I care about because I am afraid that I will do something, or everything wrong. So there is this guy that I have known since the 5th grade, and I am basically head over heals for him but he's sort of a man w***e and I am afraid to have s*x with him because he is so much more experienced then I am. He also does kiss and tell. And if I do something wrong the WHOLE school will know and I will be so embarrassed. What should I do?




  1. Im afraid and your afraid? learn English, go to school, get a good education and then have s*x...

  2. don't do it with a man w***e. Wait until you meet a guy that will love you. It will make the experience so much nicer. You want someone that is also your best friend.  

  3. 1) He's a man w***e

    2) He kisses and tells.

    Why would you want to lose your virginity to this person?  The person you lose your virginity to shouldn't care if it's your first time and you don't know what you're doing.  And they certainly shouldn't speak a word of it to anyone.

  4. Well then, don't have s*x with that guy. You're only 15, I don't see why young girls are in such a rush to lose their virginity. Especially to a man w***e! You never know what diseases he might have. And you can't do something wrong, when you're a virgin obviously you won't be comfortable doing it at first, everyone knows that. Do it with someone who cares about you, they'll make you feel more comfortable. But try and wait til you're in a good relationship with someone, and no when I say that I do not mean marriage, lol :)

  5. his 15 trust me he makes most of the things up

    wait till 17+  or marriage if your that type

  6. i will tell you how high school is kay! love isn't real in high school. you think it is. totally not. guys use girls. famous quote girl use s*x for love.....guys use love for s*x.......wait till your married or your deeply in love with a guy who you know it right for you.

  7. what should u do? keep ya legs closed until marriage. u american girls are something else. if u was my daughter ud get a beating. u wouldnt be allowed to hang out alone, and you wouldnt be allowed to date or have friends that are boys. i dont care what anybody says

    youd also be covered up head to toe. you american girls have no discipline. none. ur 15 talking about having s*x. wtfs wrong with you?

  8. Dont have s*x?

    Your scared so your not ready...

  9. If he's the kind of the guy who would tell the whole school about your s*x life... then he's obviously not worth it. If you want s*x to be special, wait for the special person.  

  10. First off if he's that experienced doesn't that tell you that s*x and long term relationships don't mean much to him? Please think about it more before deciding he's the one. When you meet the right one you'll know. You will still be nervous and a little scared but you will know he's the one. You will feel its right. Don't feel like you need to rush into s*x for anyone. You're 15 and you have a whole life ahead of you and if you wait till you know for sure and feel its right then your first time will mean so much more for you. Good Luck.

  11. Your first three words say it all... you are fifteen.  If he's older than you, and he probably is, he has a very different agenda than you do.  Your virginity is precious and you should only give it to someone who you think deserves it and who will respect that choice.  If you think this guy deserves it, go ahead if you really want to, but think about whether you actually want to give him your virginity, and whether he'll give that gift the respect it deserves.

  12. That's tuff maybe you should just wait until you know what to do...

  13. First of all you're not ready, and for good reason this guys a jerk, I know that just by reading about him, and come on be serious you don't trust this guy, do you? That's why you're so scared of having s*x with him. Save it for someone that you trust, you'll regret it otherwise. But if you really do like this guy make sure you can trust him first, I wouldn't advise it though, he sounds like the sort that will leave you heartbroken and trust me it just isn't worth it.

    Don't even worry about people like Officer. either, that was rude what she said to you and she's wrong, times are changing and you should have s*x whenever it feels right to you.

  14. It's better not to have relationship with are just 15!!

  15. don't do it. youre clearly uncomfortable with this guy, whats your rush? your still young, you have time to meet someone who your comfortable with and can have a relationship with. it's not worth it to go through the regret if he ends up just using you and telling all his friends. youll know when the person and timing is right.

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