
I'm all for being ecologically responsible but I have to wonder, who needs a concert to make them aware?

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There is no need to bash anybody over this subject or the question. It just, amuses me that somehow having a huge expensive concert is going to make people aware of something we don't already here about daily.




  1. Good point!  A lot of that kind of stuff goes on just because it makes the performers feel good about themselves.  It seems to me, back in the 1970's there was a lot of eco-awareness going on without all of the grandstanding by celebrities.

  2. they need all the attentions  they could get at this crucial moment. Law enforcement haven't done much, so is advertisement , so is teaching by examples,in a Tanzanian news, they experienced the same dilemma, until finally, they incorporated environmentalism to the islamic religion, predominantly muslim there,they are somehow making footholds. I hope it's not for the mean time only.

  3. I have been ecologically responsible all of my adult life, long before any concert.

  4. Some people are not exposed to a lot of thighs going out in the world. They don't read newspapers or even with a computer don't look at news, so not call them ignorant but they actually don't care.  the same goes for people who think is ok to throw bottles of soda out of the windows of their cars, etc. If they watched the concert that may influenced them to change some of their habits. There are people out there that they live in very small circles and don't even know what goes on 10 miles away from their house.

  5. Hang on:  "For most people it's common sense"??  No, for most people, it's NOT common sense.  They have to be EDUCATED - and if a concert will do the job, then let's have concerts; If flying kites will do the job, then let's fly kites; if holding your breath and counting to 27 will do the job, then let's hold our breath and count to 27 - in short, do whatever it takes, but GET THE WORD OUT.  Just because you and I are educated about something, it does NOT necessarily follow that "most people" are.  This concert is targeted at "the masses" - and only when "the masses" are educated and understand what they, individually, can do, will ANY of it work.

  6. Imagine you and some like-minded friends are sitting around brainstorming trying to figure out how to increase awareness on the issue while simultaneously affecting change by promoting action.  The bigger-better concert(s) would be on the short list.  What would be the alternatives, and would they do a better job of getting people off their butts?

    The concert concept has been around since the 1970's.  It's one tool in the arsenal for change.

  7. There are a lot of people who pooh-pooh global warming because they don't know enough about it. Since fans like to mimic rock stars, it can't hurt to put out a message that it's 'chic' to go green; whatever it takes. Plus I'm sure it raised a lot of money that will be put to good use. I was distressed, however, to see many of the artists drinking bottled water.....

  8. the concert is to line the pockets of the promoters...

  9. I agree with you, no need to bash anyone over this. Everyone is having fun. However, those people spouting the environmental issue should consider the 'carbon footprint' of these concerts. Looking at them the amount of power used could fuel a small village (perhaps not so small!!). Most of us are already environmentally aware, recycling, energy saving bulbs, no plastic shopping bags etc. We don't need energy guzzling millionaire pop groups telling us how to live. Why don't we see them practising what they preach?

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