
I'm all for equality. Shouldn't women buy engagement rings for men?

by  |  earlier

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And shouldn't they cost 2 months of her salary (the wage gap notwithstanding)?




  1. Sure, if they want to.  No one is stopping a woman from going to a jewelry store, buying something, and giving it to her boyfriend as a marriage proposal.

  2. I did actually, I proposed on christmas day 2002 with a beautiful gold, garnet and diamond ring. The salary thing s a load of rubbish, it's not the cost that matters.

  3. Many men don't wear rings so it would be pointless.  And who on earth actually spends two months salary on an engagement ring, outside of commercials and Hollywood?  

  4. Yes my mother did this for my dad. She asked him to marry her.  

  5. Tries to imagine the future...

    Man walks into a room flaunting his new engagement ring for the other guys... "Guess... What !" ... other men respond "OmiGod!" and then the room devolves into giddy laughter as the men dance about, and a few of them make comments about how big it is...

    Seriously, men don't care about engagement rings. Most of the married men I know, have a plain gold, white gold or platinum ring band for their part of the exchange of rings.

    You share everything once you're married as one, so I fail to see the extra wasteful expense of a few months salary as some argument towards "equality".

    Edit: Princess. Typical cost of a wedding ring is supposed to be 3 months salary. Glad to hear you're so wealthy that money means nothing to you."...

  6. Does it count if I asked my now husband to marry me, but didn't bother with an engagement ring??

  7. Sure. Why not? Men should start asking for them.

  8. I would be willing to buy a guy an engagement ring. And based off of whatever he wanted I wouldn't mind the price. Because eventually you'll buy him a wedding band anyway.

  9. What would be equality is if no one bought a ring at all.

  10. My friend did this for her boyfriend....he was a cross dresser...but in the end they broke up because of his drug habit...go figure.

  11. yes I do believe your right an then years later we can ask to have it upgraded to a bigger one. As a symbol of there love.

  12. I suppose it's something to pawn when she leaves you broke after divorcing you!

  13. It's much smarter to sink that money into a down payment on a house.

  14. Yeah, why not?

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