
I'm almost 12, 5'1" and I'm kinda getting curves, but my b***s haven't grown sine 4th grade, wut's wrong?

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And i just started 6th grade and all my friends are getting bigger but I've been like this since 4th grade, so wut's wrong with me???




  1. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. You're eleven (almost twelve, I realize), so you have nothing to worry about. Some girls hit puberty a little later than others. Your friends simply started before you, and their bodies are maturing faster. But don't worry; just keep a healthy diet and exercise regime, and your b***s will come, along with the other feminine curves. Just gotta give it a little more time.  

  2. It's so hard not to compare ourselves with our girlfriends, but remember that so much of our physical features are inherited from moms and grandmas. You are who you are.  

    Be grateful that you're healthy and whole.  

  3. im your age ecept im in 8th grade its hard to explain...but anyways i wish my bewbs were bigger than they are ...go to i my friends increased one cup size in about 3 weeks from this website hope i helped...oh yea and dont do bust exercises they turn the fatty tissue into muscle and breast are mostly made up as fatty tissue thats why when you watch rthe olympics most of the women are small chested ...but im going to start the flat to flab program to ...o yea and you have alot of time to grow just like i do  

  4. Your 12...Why are you worrying about b***s?  Girls are beautiful any size.  It makes me a bit nervous for you considering your worried about it?  WHY?

    Nothing is wrong with you physically but mentally I wonder why a child should worry about the way their body looks at 12?

    I have a niece that is 11 1/2 and she is not worried about her b***s?  Gosh how Vain!!!! WOW, this is what society has done to our kids!!!!

  5. Darling, there's no "template" that you're going to conform to.  Every BODY is on a different time schedule.

    Since you state that you're "almost 12," that means you're 11 -- you're still a child, my dear.  Puberty is when you can expect breast growth, and you're not in puberty yet.

    Trust me, you'll be much happier in the long run if you don't try to escape childhood too soon.  Please, enjoy it while you can.


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