It's really affecting my way of life because I need a job, but without a license, I can't get to where I prefer to work. . .
I'm terrified. I took Driver's Ed this recent school year (junior year), thinking I wouldn't get it, but I did.
I didn't have my Learner's Permit when I got into the class, and I HAD to get it in order to take the driving test, and pass the class (Luckily there was a nearby subdivision near my school, so my teacher took everyone there to drive)
I passed that, I still have my permit, and I haven't really driven since March of this year.
I just don't feel comfortable. Not even in my neighborhood. My mom's car is a Chrysler 300M Special and if you know what that car looks like (google it) it's pretty freakin' wide.
::sigh:: It really bums me out and I'm scared that I'm NEVER going to get out of this fear, you know?
But, I know people who didn't drive until they were 21.
I think I need a more comfortable car to practice in is all. . .