
I'm almost certain that my landlord lets himself into the property Im renting and snoops through my draws etc?

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I can't prove anything for sure, is there anything I can do?




  1. i would confront him about it and tell him that you don't appreaciate that and what he is doing is illegal. if there is any problems tell him he could come to you instead of snooping around. tell him if he does it again you will report him.  

  2. Oprah had a show on about intuition & had someone on there who thought someone was coming in while she was gone. The person got a camera. If you can't do find out if it is illegal & post a note that says it is illegal for anyone to enter this apartment & if you do not want to be on camera leave now.EDIT: check Oprah's website cause this show was just on yesterday even though it was a repeat. They may have posted some suggestions.

  3. you can buy a nanny cam and put it in your house. then you will have proof.

  4. Get proof, if you are certain invest in a nanny cam to monitor your residence.

  5. I thought that of my neighbors a while ago, so I did a few things, like putting a piece of hair over my tv remote.  I also put a matchbox car behind my door so if the door got opened, when I got home the car was moved.  If you can't afford a camera to set up, you can talk to the police and they may or maynot stake out the place while you are gone

  6. Film the bas(*&^


  8. ummm

    you could try leaving a comcorder hidden

    record while you're somewhere around meaning you don't actually leave for real

    then you could take that to court for treespassing

  9. set up your web cam to send info to another computer, then go to a friends house and watch what happens.  then call the cops.

  10. video. camera.


  11. Make a police report, take lots of pictures, put in a camera and most of all be VERY VERY CAREFUL while you look for a new place to live.  That is too creepy to deal with - move.

  12. You can't change the locks, it's not your property, it's your landlord's, however, he does need to give you 24 hours notice before he can enter the property.

    If you are almost certain, you need to be absolutely certain, is there a certain day or time you believe he is letting himself in to the property, could you and a friend be at home at this time.

    If that isn't an option, could you ask a neighbour to keep a look out to see if someone is going in when you aren't there.

    What is making you believe someone is coming in, are things missing or moved, has someone been stealing anything at all?

    I would suggest if things goes missing, you ring the police because that is theft, likewise if at any point you feel afraid for your safety, you need to inform the police so they are aware that there might be an issue with you at your property and that if, god forbid, you had to call them in an emergency, they are aware there have been some strange goings on.

    Keep a diary of all the times you think someone has been in and see if there is a pattern and take it from there.

  13. As your landlord he should be able to enter the property at any time. As for going through drawers and things that is against the law. Set up a video camera and catch him in the act.  

  14. set up a video camera and catch him in the act, then you can take him to court.

  15. You need to change the locks. That's what I did, they need to give you warning before they even attempt to enter your property. He's asked for a new key, I told him I changed the locks because I believed "an old tenant" was coming in because I saw some things out of place. He hasn't asked again.

    They sell new lock systems right at Wal-Mart and they're easy to install and inexpensive. Video taping and all that is unlikely to work and would be difficult to do.

    You'll know for sure if he's snooping when he asks for a new key. Don't give him one. He's unlikely to ask again if you tell him what I told mine. It's been a year since then.

  16. If that's what he's doing it's illegal.

    If you can, set up a very small hidden video camera. That may be expensive so try setting harmless "traps". Of course it would be illegal for you to set a cheap traditional mouse trap hidden just beneath one layer of your underware in the top drawer - that's why I am not recommending that you do it.

    Thoroughly clean your drawer surfaces and handles. Also clean the front door handles too.

    Make a very smooth coating of talcum powder over your drawer surfaces and handles. It doesn't matter if it's visible. The fact that it's been disturbed will show that someone's been poking around.

    The cleaned surfaces will record the intruder's fingerprints. As long as you don't disturb these you can call the police immediately.

    If you have a Yale type front door lock then change it. They're not expensive and are easy enough to do if you can use a screwdriver. If you can, you can just change the barrel. If he complains then you have your proof that he tried to get in.

  17. Set up a tape to catch him in action, get a security system ie., spy camera

  18. Set  a trap , put personal things in a certain way in cupboards and if they have been moved you know he has been snooping .Write everything down in a diary with dates and if you do find out that he has been in the property you can show him the proof , that should stop him if it doesnt ,take your diary to the police stating that you have told him you that know he has been snooping and he is still doing it .Let them sort it out .

  19. Please make a big scenario about it and go into details. :P

  20. A girl I knew printed a BUNCH of pictures of her ex looking fat in a bathing suit, and taped them up all over her house, just to rattle him, since she was sure HE was snooping around too.

    If you could find a picture of your landlord, you could superimpose his head on ANY embarrassing picture you find on the internet, and put it in the spot you think he looks at. Since it's a private dresser drawer, or whatever, he won't be able to accuse you of libel because then he'd have to admit that he snooped. That should rattle his cage pretty good.

    If he isn't snooping, then you won't have risked any legal action, since no one will see it other than you.

    Be creative and have fun!

  21. Chop his d**k off.

    No, Dont do that.

    I would report him to the police as this is illegal. I would also change all the locks.

  22. Put up cameras in places that are kind of hidden or look around your house before you leave and get a good idea where everything is and when you come back look around and see if anything is different. Or put a small piece of paper in your door so if the door is opened the paper will fall down on the floor

  23. Place something behind your front door and squeeze yourself out of it when you leave. When you come home and open the door, squeeze back through and see if the object has moved.  

  24. Set up a video camera to catch him in the act. Then call the cops.  

  25. Set up a webcam and point it towards your drawers. Record while you are gone. Be sure to hide it a little.

  26. If ur out for a short time, like a day, and you can afford it, hide a video camera. Or, if it's legal, install your own lock, that he doesn't have the key to.

  27. Yes get a camera installed - or if you can't afford one,Put something in the door so when he opens it, it will fall out! Also arrange your  drawers in a certain way,, and see if they have been disturbed. Papers are another good one, If you keep your bills in a drawer, don't stack them too neatly cos he will know you are trying to catch him, but remember how you put them!

  28. WHOA. Weird.....


    Try setting up a camera behind some furniture or something. And if you see anything, you can report it to the police.

  29. set up a hidden camera or something then call the cops .  

  30. Can you change the lock? Quite easily done.  

  31. You wrote: "...I'm almost certain..."

    Almost certain will not stand up in court.

    Get proof. Set up survellience cameras. If you can prove it, you can have him charged criminally with burglary, and probably would have cause for a civil lawsuit.

    - Stuart

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