
I'm always bored...?

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Just moved to a new area, only been here for a couple of months and I'm as bored as h**l. Just a boring small town in Canada, and there's absolutely nothing to do. From what I've seen everyone seems pretty arseholeish too, and pretty insular. I decided to walk through the local park, and pretty much stumbled on where everyone hangs out, and pretty much everyone was sitting around in gangs trying to look tough, and as I walked through people were giving me curious, "who the **** are you?", sort of looks. Can't say that initial encounter exactly warmed me to the youth population, lol. I wear tight jeans, but I wouldn't think dress would have made a differene.

So, I'm really bored here, I have no friends, no one to talk to, so I'm pretty much on my own all the time, the range of shops available to look in is mediocre at best. Everyone here seems to have "small town mentality" if you know what I mean.

Any advice?




  1. Try to go to a place that interests you and just start conversations with people. For me, I just found a restaurant I liked and went there all the time until I got to know the people who worked there and other regulars. I know how you feel about always being bored in a new place. I hope you find your entertainment!!

  2. Well... have you contacted the Welcome Wagon of Canada? (See link below)

    You want to meet others that aren't roaming in gangs?  Then go where THOSE people are, and the gangs are NOT...

    The library

    Continuing Educational classes

    Sporting events


    Volunteering activities, Big Brother/Big Sister, Boys & Girls clubs, Scouts

    Associations, clubs, organizations

    Your local newspaper should be able to refer you to any number of groups that you may share interests in, or strike up a NEW interest in.  They are a great resource, along with the local library... ask the reference librarian for organizations/associations in your area.  Is there an organization that helps raise money for the library itself?

    Also, contact your local "City/town hall" ... they are always full of ideas.  Also, your city/town Chamber of Commerce may have some leads for you.

    Do you belong to a church or faith?  Find a church, and you'll find people who can be resources for you!

    Is there a college nearby?  Contact their "activities" office.

    How about the local shelter or humane society?  Believe it or not, they need volunteers not "just" to clean the cages, but to play/walk the dogs!

    Have a polite day.
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