
I'm always feeling tired and cold, headaches, pains in shoulder, legs, arms, and joints ?

by Guest55668  |  earlier

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and also just under my ribs, feels full. I've also been getting cold after cold after cold, and a really sore throat. What is this ? Is it anything I should worry about, or will it just get better over time ? I've had all of these for 2-3 weeks. I'm 15.





  1. Hiya no its nothing to worry about.. its nothin life threathenin! im 16 myself and suffer from anxiety and depression!! fear of death aswell! you have got to remember your only young and your body is still developing.. your hormones are all over the place! i get colds alot aswell but i think that a cold will kill me! stupid i know! you will get better in time.. time is the best healer. yoube going through some sort of anxiety or depression? has any trauma happended to you recently? has anyone died cz this can be the cause of things! if your really that worried visit your doctor just to be on the safe side! im sure you will be fine just keep your chin up n im here for you! email me if u like!

    good luck =]

  2. Helen - This sounds like you need to see your primary doctor right away. Two - three weeks is a long time to be ill.  Could this be your menstrual cycle?  Your primary doctor will check to see if you have strep throat, mono, tonsillitis, infection, viral or bacterial.  A lab test will also show if you are anemic-low in iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin B, or Iron etc. They may refer you to a endocrinologist to check your thyroid levels, or thyroid problems. Or your doctor may referral you to a rheumatologist to see if you have juvenile arthristis.  It may be just be a cold or the flu. Drink lots of fluid.  It's really important that you continually wash your hands, rest and eat well.  You are to young to feel like this. I hope you will feel better soon. Be well!

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