
I'm always so alone and want to run away.?

by  |  earlier

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I live in an apartment with my mom.

But shes never here.

She's always sleeping at her boyfriends house, so I'm always

alone all day and all night.

I have no friends, because I don't fit in at my new school.

She just leaves me in the apartment all day, and there's no food, and no wher to go and nothing to do.

I'm just wasting my life here, sitting here ALL DAY.

She doesn't even care. I told her how I feel, but she just said "Oh, people have had to live on there own when they were youger than you, when they were 14. Don't complain." and she always talks about how wonderful people run away.

She obviously wants me to run away, and I'm such a burden to her, so...

Should I run away??

If not, what should I do?

I have a whole week of vacation and I don't want to just sit in this room the whole time!!!!!!!!




  1. Call 1-800-4achild. This is child neglect and they will handle it for you.  Don't run away. It will lead to your death. Your mother is surely a horrible person if she is urging you to run away. Where is your Dad? Do you have any other relatives?

    Try joing a club at school. They have something for everyone. Your counselor can help you.

  2. Maybe you can tell her how you feel if she is the type not to listen do something that will get her attention. Maybe talk to her boyfriend? Go spend time with a relitive and do not tell her to see if she does care. Finish school/ get a part time job if your 16+.

  3. be sure to get your picnic basket, and your dog Toto, and look for a guy with a magic trailer

  4. first get some food. Food is important. ok...thinking about how a kid with no money and skills and friends is going to get food.  Yeah--that sucks. I can't think of anything that doesn't involve giving favors away, is illegal or involves stealing.

    don't assume because someone is an adult, they won't hesitate to take advantage of you. Adults are people just like kids, there are good ones and bad ones.

    call child protective services. Tell them what you told us, and ask for food. They will probably come to get you. You don't say she abuses you, so it might help to shake this woman out of her incredible self-absorbtion. it might get better.

    If not, ask CPS if you can become an emancipated minor. That who is legally an adult. See if they will help you find a group home until you are old enough to get out on your own.

    OR call your local teen hotline, sometimes other people have resources you don't know about. You don't have to tell them who you are. You can usually find the number in front of the phone book, or on the walls in public restrooms or schools. You have time. Find the number, ask their advice.

    your mom is being emotionally abusive, and neglectful if she won't feed you. Don't run. Think before you act. You're in a safe place. Find another safe place before you do anything else.

  5. well that is not good, but if you are already alone, i dont think running away will help.  usually people run away to be alone, which you already are.

    do you have any relatives you can spend the week with?

  6. It was the same here, untill i started going out more, i didnt know anyone but i went to clubs and stuff, ( for teenagers of course). And i made friends and now im invited to partys and stuff, you should try going out more, maybe that will help

    Wish you the best of luck:)

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