
I'm always so lonely...?

by  |  earlier

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My family only talk to me and stuff when they cam benifit from it and my friends use me to do their homework. What should i do?




  1. I think you need to perhaps look back at whats happening here.

    Your family, like it or not are not going to go away, however it is your chose to allow them to take advantage of you. Don't allow them to do this to you. Stand tall and be strong.

    Your friends. You would be a better friend to them if you did not do their homework, again be strong, say no, but i can help you with it?

    In doing that you are not turning your back on them, but you are making them do the work for themselves with your help. They will probably respect you a whole lot more if you are helping them rather than just doing it for them. Don't let them bully you.

    Your friends will probably become real friends if they feel they can rely on you to help instead of seeing you as a mug. Hope that's not too harsh.

    Stick up for yourself hun!!!

    It will make you feel more confident and proud of who you are. You sound like someone who people need and look up to really.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Plain and simple don't let them use you.  Being lonely sucks, being used is worse. If the only way you're not lonely is when your being used something isn't right. Who needs friends and family that don't really care about you. Get new friends. Believe it or not everyone is never truely lonely.

  3. find urself first in order to find better people and communication

    try meditating, sport, or some kind of art

  4. I haven't actually had that sort of experience but I guess I've had a similar one. I was always lonely even though I had friends. I guess I was anti-social and didn't like the social atmosphere and the chit-chat. It was too noisy. So much girly screaming and loud talking. It got on my nerves, but it was probably last year I found that music made me forget about such things.

    I started composing music on the piano, you know just randomly fumbling around on the keys in a quiet place (music building.) Maybe music will help. Unless your a person who listens to loud music do so, or if your more the soft one, listen to some traditional music. Also try something new, something you've never done before.

    or just write about your loneliness to your hearts content. Sometimes I like to write down the things I don't want to say in front of people because I know I will hurt them. Have you ever tried keeping a journal or diary? The journal/diary can be someone you can talk to freely and express your thoughts and opinions. The journal/diary doesn't respond but listens to each and every word you have to say.

    Tell me if you need anymore help.

  5. get some better friends

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