
I'm am 19 years old with asthma under control and I have a burning feeling in chest?

by  |  earlier

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I was curious as to what smoking was like. i did not smoke a box or anything i just took a little swig of a black cuz my friend wanted to smoke half and i would take the other. but i could not do half and left to her. but anyway i have a little burning in my chest but my breathing is fine. so i just want to know what it is. i don't plan on trying to smoke again anytime soon, it was just a one time thing.




  1. It is possible that smoking caused your Bronchial Tubes to become irritated. You probably will have to go to the doctor to get some sort of medication to clear this burning sensation.

    I don't smoke and I have Asthma. Anytime I get in a room with someone who even smells like smoke, it starts aggravating my Asthma which is also under control. Some people are just more sensitive to certain smells in the air and perhaps this

    one 'black' is what's causing the burning feeling in your chest.

    Try to get into see a doctor if you can. You may need to be on antibiotics to clear this up.  Symptoms usually tend to vary quite a bit from person-to-person when you are Asthmatic.

    Best of luck to you!! I hope this has been helpful to you.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Âº

  2. Stay away from smoke of all types.  It is a definite asthma trigger.

    See the following page for asthma triggers:

    and this one on the effects of smoke:

    Hope this helps.

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