
I'm am a 19 yr male who can't get my p***s up or off. HELP ME! what do i do so my girlfriend doesn't leave me?

by  |  earlier

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my p***s can't stay hard and can't get off. and it seems like every time s*x something goes wrong. We try everyday, and my p***s will get hard but it won't stay.




  1. Stress is kryptonite for s*x. Relax!  

    R   E L A X!!!!!!!!!!!  

    If she were to leave over such a trivial thing then you are much better off.  There is no shortage of women in the world (with exception to China).

    Laugh at s***w ups don't get so worked up about it. Learn from it and press on!

    Start running a couple of miles each week and watch your stress level disappear.  

    And if she is not willing to help eliminate the stress in the bedroom then say "goodbye it’s been fun now you should get going."

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