
I'm an American considering moving to Australia -- is Brisbane or Sydney a better place to live?

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I want to know if Sydney or Brisbane would be better for me. I'm a 36 year old g*y man and work as an Administrative Assistant. Which city is better for jobs and climate? What about Perth?




  1. Brisbane has a thriving g*y community and is a better place to live than Sydney. The cost of living is lower and the weather is fantastic. It's a lot warmer and drier in winter and not as humid all year round and the nightlife and dining out are excellent - a bit less of everything than Sydney, but Greater Brisbane has close to 2 million people and that doesn't include the vibrant Gold Coast which is only an hour away, so it's not a small backward town.

    Your biggest problem though, will be getting a visa that will allow you to work here. Immigration is restricted to people in occupations in which workers are in short supply in Australia. The required occupations are listed on the Skilled Occupations List (SOL) and Administrative Assistant isn't on there.

    Check it out to see if there's something else on there that you're qualified to do. The next requirement is that you must pass a points test and that's not easy to do.

    Prospective immigrants must also meet health and character requirements.

    For all info regarding Australian immigration, go to:

  2. Definitely Sydney!  Brisbane is a top place to live and the g*y community is definitely catered for, but it's still predominantly a family city and it's a long way from a to b.  Sydney will have a lot more to offer for employment, accommodation, great nightlife and has a HUGE g*y community.  It's a no brainer!

  3. I am an English girl living in India, but have an Australian friend he says Perth is the best but maybe that's because he lives there and my friend is emigrating to Melbourne but I have heard that the people there aren't so nice, maybe you should travel a bit  before settling somewhere, or just head for where the jobs are and go from there. Once you get there you will get a feel for the place good luck.

  4. Brisbane...definitely

    the temperature is so much nicer and we have better beaches etc etc...and its pretty =D

  5. In terms of fitting into a more accepting community, I'd go for either Sydney or Melbourne. Sydney have a long established g*y community. Melbourne is not far behind in that respect and to be honest I think Melbourne has a better lifestyle and better options for the future. That's my Melbournian opinion though!

  6. Hi, I'm from Just north of Brisbane and I've just yesterday got back from sydney! I would have to say for a beachy more relaxed lifestyle Brisbane!!! But for a busy interesting and hectic life sydney! Also I think Sydney is probably more your thing its definetly a big city a global city and accepts everyone. where as Brisbane is getting there but is still more of a small town minded kinda city. I'm sure work is avaliable in both cities esspecially Brisbane which is the fastest growing city in Australia In the fastest growing state. Sydney is Cold in Winter and Hot in summer, where as Brisbane is Hot is Summer and temperate in Winter, with the random cold snap of course. Now don't leave out Melbourne which I think has a large g*y comunnity and is very multicultural like Sydney and to a leser extent Brisbane. BVut melbourne is dead cold all the time except in summer where it is extremely hot, last summer they had 48' celcius!!! I would probably choose Sydney for myself becaus eit is busy but its up to you!!!! Hope I helped

  7. You can't beat sunny Brisbane or for that matter anywhere in Queensland. I am biased because I live in the best state in Australia but why shouldn't I be, when we have golden beaches, blue skies and employement and business opportunities that leave the rest of Australia for dead. In the end it is really what you want to make of life no matter where you are living. For me though I won't leave my sunny Queensland I am content and happy right where I am.

  8. Sydney is way better than Brisbane, and way way better than Perth.

    In terms of g*y-life, .there are many g**s in Sydney - have you heard of the Sydney mardi gras?

    There tend to be more retired people in Brisbane. It's not even close to Sydney in terms of night life, city-scale, diversity, restaurants and shopping.

    Perth is nice, but small. Shops close early on weekends except for in the city.

    Go Sydney and don't even think twice about it!

    (If you were tossing up between Sydney and Melbourne that'd be a different question!! But Sydney is a lot warmer than Melbourne)

  9. Well depends what kind of climate you like. Brisbane is usually hot all year round and can get very humid in the summer. Sydney has average weather. I would probably choose Sydney.

    Melbourne's good as well :P (I live there).

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