
I'm an American moving to Germany. Is it easy to get a part-time job with AAFES ?

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I'm an American moving to Germany. Is it easy to get a part-time job with AAFES ?




  1. Most, if not all of the civilian positions on military bases in Germany are held for families of the service member stationed there.  You have to physically be residing within driving distance of the facility you want to work at before they will consider your application.  Try clicking on, maybe you can find a link with more info.

  2. It really depends on the region you plan on moving to. Your best advice is to check with the AAFES website. I found there was no work in several cities, but after a few searches found there were numerous jobs available in Wiesbaden. I will assume you are trying to get work as a military dependent and should verify that you are able to work while stationed overseas. If you have never lived, were ever born, or are traveling independently to German without a work visa, the answer will be definitely no without being offered the work first in the United States and then traveling as a worker overseas. It really depends on your situation, the location and your skills. Check the AAFES website site at and click on employment opportunities at the bottom of the page. I hope you can travel, the country is beautiful and the people I ran into while I was there were wonderful. Good luck!

  3. Are you from the military?

    OK.... AAFES looking always for some people, because the military moving often and their families also. You can have also chances at the American Banks, commissary too.

  4. Yes AAFES is almost always hiring.  They don't pay real well, expect you to work hard and also not many benefits.  You will need to get some type of health insurance since you would not be allowed to use the on base medical care.  Check with Blue Cross or EATNA (?).

    Beware that you have to get a job with 20 hours a week or more to get an ID Card (logistic support and exempt from most German taxes).   If you don't get a job within 90 days you must change your status with the German government from tourist to resident.  Once you do that you can't have an ID card job and have to pay all German taxes.

    Another place to try is  for US Government jobs, also overseas.

  5. The US is downsizing forces in Germany so it is getting more difficult to get jobs there.

  6. It depends on where, really. I applied for a job at the BX and they rarely check their applications. But I got a job at the Landstuhl Service Station right away. It's not difficult. But you have to broaden your options rather than just picking one thing.

  7. Yes, I was there last year and it was very easy. They will always hire former military personnel or military family members (spouses, children) for jobs first, but it is still easy if you are American. I applied for 3 jobs and got offered 2, but I ultimately decided to teach English because it pays so much better. AAFES only pays about $10-12 per hour, and they pay in dollars so you get screwed on the currency conversion. Teaching English (you don't need any special qualifications.... start at Berlitz, they will hire nearly anyone) pays anywhere from 13-25 Euro an hour, and more if you can pick up some private students.

    Good luck! It's a beautiful country but the Germans won't do much to make you feel welcome.

  8. Not really.

  9. Yes, it is easy. All that is needed is a high school graduation.  You can also apply for a  job online.

  10. It depends. If you are a military spouse it is much simpler. As one person said they get first pick. I do know that a lot of military spouses that work for AAFES didn't use their spouse preference (which is they get picked first) but I am not sure on which pose you are planning to go to. I can tell you first hand that if you are coming to Baumholder, Kaiserslaturn or even Ramstein they are always hiring. I am not too sure elsewhere. You can go on line and apply though. Good luck!

  11. Give it a won't hurt.  I see them advertise for workers all the time on the Armed Forces Network (AFN).

  12. If you are not in the military then its going to be very hard. Military Spouses have first pick. Also with the downsizing it will be even tougher with fewer and fewer base closing. You would have have a skill that they really need. This does not mean that you can not get a job with AAFES its just going to be a little tougher.

  13. very easy but not more then 10 Euro per/h.

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