
I'm an Atheist, why do people have issue's with us?

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I want religion and god out of our public schools and government. We can all get along, as long as we don't push out views on one another. What is your issues with Atheists? Fellow Atheists, I know you're there and feel free to answer, but I know you're there.




  1. Totally. Though I'm not a Atheist nor Christian(Free thinker leaning toward buddhism), I don't think religions should be taught it school. It's kind of brainwashing especially when they are so young. Well, on the other hand, the government does what ever they want to, but the Christian politicians are kind of against Same-s*x marriage because the bible says so. That's bull, equality is KEY.

  2. From the atheist perspective, even the mention of the word god on our money, our national motto and our pledge of allegiance is an intolerable association of church and state contrary to the principles the Founding Fathers built the country on.

    From the religious (i.e. christian) perspective, NOT having the word god in all these places is in intolerable insult to their faith in their god.

    Ironically (and hypocritically from the atheist viewpoint), christians see the removal of god from those institutions as intolerable forcing of atheism onto them.

    I say ironic and hypocritical because in each of the three examples "god" was added by christians AFTER the establishment of the instituions involved. Atheists see "taking god out" as just putting things back the way they were in the first place.

  3. First of all, there is no such thing as an Atheist.

    What, you say.

    Let me explain.

    There are believers who do not have "PROOF" but believe based on faith. Then there are Agnostics who say I am not sure, give me some proof and I will believe.

    ANYONE when given enough proof would believe, so that puts you at the far end of the spectrum, but still you are agnostic. If you were given actual proof and enough of it, you would believe.

    Well you say, you do not want other  viewpoints pushed on you yet you want to force your belief (or lack of) on others,i.e. you want religion out of schools. You are saying that what I believe is right and everyone should believe the way I do.

    A little hypocritical don't you think

    We probably will never have "PROOF" because then it would not require "FAITH". We are supposed to believe in a higher authority, whether it be Buddah, Allah, God, etc. without being shown proof.

    You didn't mention money. On every piece of paper money and most coins, it says,"In God we trust" So I suppose you do not like money because it contradicts your belief system

    And lastly, the Constitution states "Freedom OF religion" not freedom from religion. That statement is why we should have prayer in schools. You are not covered by the Constituion.

  4. Because your very existence is a threat to religious people's delusion.

    You're like a heckler at the play they are trying to watch.  What these people don't understand though, is that you didn't ask to be brought into their theatre.

  5. I'm not an atheist.  I'm a humanist that doesn't believe in a higher power.


  7. I don't have an issue with you.  I just don't understand why the ones of you who are so hostile to religious people want to hang out in the R&S section.  Do you enjoy being driven to feelings of hostility?  If there are so many bad feelings, why not go hang out at some atheist site?

  8. You said -    "I want religion and god out of our public schools and government."

    Then you said - "We can all get along, as long as we don't push out views on one another."

    Did your first statement not just contradict the second?

    You just pushed your view on me. Your whole statement was based upon what you want according to your view.

  9. Well, my friend, it is because those who follow some form of Theism do not want to even CONSIDER the chance that you can be happy without religion or any supernatural belief system for that matter.

    If you claim sincere happiness in life as an atheist you are obviously in denial, according to the fairy-tale worshipers.

    Man, I am so tired of hearing the same 'ole rehashed pascal's wager arguments.  

  10. fear of death, hopelessness, illusion to dispair. They'll never admit it, and cling to the comfort that your an idiot and god thinks so too.  

  11. i respect you being an atheist, but sometimes i always ask myself how come there are people who has no fear from anything and just believes own their own.  

  12. I don't have an issue with atheists.  I do wonder, however, why Atheists are so offended by something they don't believe in.  Just ignore God in schools and government.  There's hardly anything left of him there anyway.

  13. I personally believe everyone to their own beliefs. But some of your Atheist Friends can be violent and rude. I don't care what you believe, but you don't need to call us people with morals and beliefs, names and tell us that what we believe is stupid. You have morals and beliefs that are different from us and we believe that you will go to h**l for you sins. This is the first time that I have spoken my beliefs and feelings. But anyway, I will believe what I believe and you believe what you believe. I to hope for a separation church from state. I don't want to hear about the big bang theory any more than you want to hear about how God created the earth.

  14. I'm an Atheist too.

    I agree, at schools there are prayers and religion classes. If you wanted a religious school you can go to a religious school, right?

  15. TT, cuz its against the norm.  I have no problems with atheists.  If they wanna burn in h**l for not believing, who am I to judge.  I'll leave that to the Man upstairs (God).  Good luck!!!  CHECK OUT JOHN 3:16.

  16. I'm somebody who believes in God, but I'd also like to see religion and God out of our public schools and government.  Quite obviously, all of us, believers and non-believers alike, have the capacity to be much nicer and more loving to each other.  I've met quite a few atheists who are very good, nice, articulate people, and I've also met some who have serious axes to grind with those institutions that represent God here on Earth and the people who see value in being involved with those institutions.  Like it or not, both theists and atheists have a way of getting painted with the same brush as some of their more stupid and vocal members.

  17. You say, "We can all get along as long as we don't push our views on one another" but from what I've read on this site it seems Athiests are just as bad as Christians with pushing their views on others.  

    I think a person's beliefs are personal and should not be attacked.  I don't do that people and I resent it being done to me.  

    Personally, I don't have issues with Athiests or any other beliefs.  I just don't think I need to have right/wrong truth/lies shoved at me from all angles all the time.  

  18. Hello,

    TT you have a point but I like rules put across the board for all or things get challenged and fall apart. I was wondering if you would support dismantling that Statue Of Liberty. She is the goddess  Libertas, ancient Rome's goddess of freedom from slavery, oppression, and tyranny. She too is an offensive religious symbol by definition and ought not be on Federal Public property.


    Michael Kelly

  19. I am not an atheist...................I am a believer belief lies and goes in a different way......

    I believe religion is just a way of life.......

    I believe somehow we worship the same God and it's forms......I believe science is also a religion......a different way to find God.....

    So is literature.....arts....etc.

    We all find the same thing but in a different way.....

    I believe atheists are also finding something........but their way is discarding something that is not based on hard facts........they are also looking for the same supreme being.......but they too don't want to be lost in false facts...........

  20. In all honesty, its not you its the other atheists that are the problem because people can just say whats your problem with catholics and the like.

    Its so difficult to have a proper discussion about whether religion is a good or bad thing and what religion is deemed to be the most logical.

    Alot of atheists on here are very much abusive, they feel that because they do not like religion, its an excuse to say that everyone else is stupid and feel the need to degrade people for their belief in God.  If they ask how god was created...they do not accept peoples views, they just say he doesnt exist and that we are stupid for thinking god was just there, even though its just what people have been taught.  They just don't accept any other view except their own.

    At the same time, people from other religions retaliate in the same way, so you ask what is our problem and we ask what is your problem and it just results in a vicious circle which there really is no need for.

    Im not a practising Catholic because I have lost interest in religion over time, I understand that every belief has flaws including your arguement that we can all get along without it.  (not saying your wrong, just saying that people will have good theories on why this is incorrect as much as you would have theories on why religion is wrong).

    Point is, alot of atheists here don't listen, they start these questions just to cause an arguement where only they are right, with no regard for anyone else.

    I can only hope that you will not be the same, it would be nice to know some people here value other opinions but can challenge them in a mature and logical way.

  21. I'll try to answer you like this -

    I know atheists think that people who believe in God are simple and foolish.  And I can actually understand that. It's human.  It's the hostility towards Christians that I do not understand.  Take my example -

    (coming from the Atheists point of view now -)  Picture a child who believes in the tooth fairy.  Child is excited about the treasure they are about to receive.  He is happy and wants to share that with others (you).  He wants you to enjoy the same happiness and reward that he has been given and hopes you will believe, too.  Now, in this scenario, I can see the other person smiling and appreciating the thought (even though it is considered pure fantasy) and even giving a little pat to the head.  But what would make someone take the child by the shoulders and shake them while yelling 'Get a grip, man!  It's all a hoax!'.  No ill will was intended on the child's part, yet the child is dealt with so harshly and with malice.

    I've never once felt hostility towards someone who isn't a believer solely based on the fact that they, well, didn't believe.  Why would an atheist be hostile towards me?  I only wish you the best, and in my heart I believe the best is found in God.

    I'm not angry when someone doesn't understand what I am trying to teach them.  Instead, I am sad and I pray for them.  Does that hurt you?  If so, how?

  22. I am not an atheist.

    I believe that whatever is true for you is true for you.

    Religion is a heated up subject and I would like to see it removed from all governments and schools because it forces onto one a believe.

    My only objection with Atheist are those who do not tolerate other peoples non-violent, non-criminal personal views. And that includes the religious freaks too.

  23. The same reason you have issue with God and religion out of your public schools...It's a clash of opinions but both parties truly believe what they believe.

    I am atheist too but I am open minded and realize that your truth is your truth and Mother Theresa's truth was her truth. It's not just about's about accepting that others disagree with you.

  24. i dont have any problem with atheist my best friend is atheist. we just dont talk about religion. i believe in god i just dont believe in any of the religions because from what ive seen they all twist stuff around to soot there needs.

  25. Because people blindly believe in faith out of fear. They need to hold onto the comfort that someone is watching over us and helping us every day. That when we die, we go some where amazing and can rest in peace. To look forward to something when we die.

    Because they want to hold onto that comfort so bad they will fight for that so much so they can hold onto it like a child and it's teddy bear. They want others to believe it too so that it seems they are right and no one opposes it. They also want to control people with religion. It's very easy to control people with something so strong. Religious people fear logic because deep down they know they are questioning their beliefs already. They don't need someone to remind them and bring the unconscious fears out. Then they don't know what to with themselves.

  26. Because of what you have just stated.

    If you would not try to force you beliefs and or none-beliefs on everyone else they would obviously have not issue with you at all.

    Your elaboration is your answer.

  27. Because religious people were brought up thinking they're superior to everyone and when they come across our types, they don't understand why we don't believe in god or whatever so they actually think they're better than us or whatever. Religious people are ****** in the head. No doubt.  

  28. Because just like everything else, Atheism is a minority.  And like all other minorities, there isn't enough support behind it to actually do something about it.  And if you WERE Atheist, you wouldn't care about religion, because you don't believe in it... Atheism has nothing to do with politics...  If its such a problem, then you are not Atheist.  Look up the definition for it.  

  29. the only people that have "issues" with athiests, are those that disagree with your views. They simply do not like their ideas to be challenged, thats all. it is a lack of understanding, on both sides.

  30. Yes, were here bro!

    I was born and raised Catholic , alter boy , the whole shot. Until I reached the 4th grade , when my parents got a divorce! That's when I started noticing all the people shunning my mom for being a single parent in the catholic society! That really hit the family hard! That's when I started seeing the LIGHT, so to speak, The Catholic society started to look and feel like a CULT, (do as I say not as I do) always came out of the priest mouth, (give the church 20% of weekly earnings) Come on people, so what, the priest could have a new car!

    So I decided to go my own way, but don't get me wrong, I still believe in a higher power! Weather His/Her name is God or Jesus Christ doesn't really matter to me, what matters is that I know their is someone out there!!!


  31. because you seem to be so strong willed about other people's faith and you try to remove god from government and school taking the rights of expression away from religious people. Just because you don't like to pray or believe in God you should not blast those that do or try to take religious expression away from them ( hello First Amendment). God is separated from state as law requires which means no pray in school. That's why my parents were smart enough to send me to Catholic School so I could pray freely anytime I wanted.  : )  

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