
I'm an Australian with dual Italian citizenship ...I'm looking?

by Guest67090  |  earlier

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to travel there next year, and perhaps get a job there for a couple of months. I can speak conversational italian. What city is the the best place to work in? Rome?

Say if i do decide to buy some property in Italy what are the main things I need to do/know?

Grazie tanto!




  1. Hi....i'm italian....

    I come from sicily but i'm studying in Milan.....and about your job i think that everything dipend on what is your field...or what job you're looking for.

    If you're trying to find something in the economics it'd be better Milan...anywhere....don't buy any properties....the prices in these cities are too'd be ok rent an apartment  or a bedroom with other students/workers we all do it!

    Ask if you need more...!

    byeeeeeeee ^_^

  2. legal and fiscal information regarding Italy? Ask John murphy at The Informer. John's got all the answers... and if doesn't the he knows where to get them.

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