
I'm an anti-social girl, what do I do?

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I'm an alone girl, and an anti-social one.

I'm not shy, but infront of people, my mouth is locked. I don't know what to do, Don't laugh at me because of my behavior, I'm a weird person, I don't have any friends (I'm Scorpio),

I'm about 16 and I know that most of teenage girls aren't as anti-social as I am, but I can't change who I am, It doesn't bother me , but it bothers the other who wanna speak to me , when somebody talks to some one else, he/she expects the other one reacts, at least say something useful, but if the other one is me, I can't do it!!!

I don't like many things in this world, things which most of girl at my age love them, or some spoiled faces or cllothes, persons, and blah blah blah , I hate them.and I've got no friends.

My mother is upset about my thoughts, she says: It's very bad that you see all the world in black, if you continue, you cannot live, and ......

but I don't like....I think girls who are social, many of'em just flirt with guys...this is not socialism...(I don't insult those who are sociable, I said some of them)

i don't like pink color, Idon't like"love"........

at last, I'm anti-social........I talk very little, cuz no one has the same idea as I, even my sis,I just stay at home when I don't need to go out and read books or write black notes stealthly (not diary, I hate diary, cuz i love to forget things).....

I'm afraid, older sis is normal, ...we both had a good childhood in the past, with our mom, we enjoyed it, but now I don't like to remind my past, I like to forget it,....I'm afraid, my younger brother who is now 9, is worse than me, at least I had a good childhood when I enjoyed it, but he doesn't enjoy most of the things which kids at his age all love, my mom always says that he's bigger than his age.

he chooses black color at this age,

I cannot explain moree than it, cuz if I continue, It will be a story!!!

please just recommend, or suggest what to do (I say, I cannot change my behavior)...

and tell me if it's so bad or normal.....

anyway, I think being alone forever is better........




  1. I really don't see a problem you sound more insular than anti social

    An antisocial person is rude to everyone and you don't fit that bill.

    If you're happy the way you are then be true to yourself.

    Live and let live, if others have a problem let them deal with it!

  2. awww you're fine ... that's just you ..... people who know you love you for who you are *hugs*

    it doesn't matter what other people think ... just ignore them ....

  3. be yourself****************

  4. It's o.k.! That is perfectly o.k. I get you totally! You just spilled out a lot on Yahoo! If you can't do it in person...... who cares? People who are like you are everywhere! Seriously! Your just kinda......"different" Which I find very good! I hate people who do things just like every body else. F*cking preps!! Listen to this song - I bet we can both relate.

    if you need any help w/ anything, just e-mail me!      

                                         ♥friends? o.k.?♥

  5. You don't seem antisocial, you seem like an introvert. Extroverts (most of the population) are essentially given 'energy' by interacting with people - they don't just like it, it keeps them going - while introverts get worn out by social interaction and need to step away after a certain amount of time and have some alone time to 'recharge their batteries'.

    It seems fairly normal for *you*, and I was certainly the same way when I was your age, but it's obviously bothering you in some way if you're asking us about it. I have to say, I did 'grow out of it' in a sense - I can converse with people easily, everyone says I seem quite confident in social situations, but I'm panicking on the inside! I still get nervous before meeting someone, even if I've known them for a little while, but it doesn't affect how I act. It's something that will come in time for you, I think. I still contribute very little to conversations and 'that silence' does sometimes loom, but it's something you'll learn how to handle and perhaps combat.

    If you're happy how you are, stay that way. If you're unhappy, try to think of ways to change how you're acting around people. If being unable to speak to people is the part you don't like, try throwing yourself into that situation more often - you can't get better at it if you avoid it. :)

  6. I have to say good for you for not squeezing yourself into the tiny space that is the social norm. You are for real and you have bright open eyes that see the world for what it is. Be always proud of that.

    And you are NOT anti-social. Fact is, you haven't met the right people to socialize with yet. Wait till you go to college, where you will be bombarded with all sorts of characters and people of all genres and cultures and countries. After you talk to all of them, you will know who are the ones you wish to surround yourself with.

    And high school only gives you such a narrow scope of the rest of the world. Good news! It's temporary!

  7. wow, and i thought that I was anti-social. i guess I am just shy. but you, honey, i hope you get better. you are just socially sick and people who get sick, they get better. and you will. i would suggest talking to a shrink or a counciler at school but thats probably not on your to do list... you say you dont have a lot of friends... does that mean you do have at least one friend? i hope you do.

    you say you dont have a journal because you dont like remembering but i think you should start one. not really for remembering things but assessing how you feel from day to day. seeing if you are getting better.

    if you do want to get better i think you should kind of force yourself into talking to people. i understand that you "cant" but thats why you have to want to get better before you see any progress. maybe you should set a goal, like being in a group of friends by senior year.

    but here is how i think you should try to socialise... you should join a club. honestly. something that you like would help too. like a book club. really, i am being serious.

    you could also sign up to be on Made if you really want...

    i hope you dont think i am making fun of you or judging you because i think i am a lot like you, but in a group. this summer, all i did was stay at home. really, i was maybe out of the house for about two weeks out of the whole three months. yeah, one week for camp and the other with individual days with a friend. yeah, i am on pom (its not cheer. i am not any "prep" so you dont judge me). but it really helps being out in a group/team. to have to perform in front of people. to be in front of people.

    i hope you feel better soon and at least, at the very least, if you dont like any advise that I or anyone else just gave you that you will think of this as a social sickness. and remember that when people are sick, they get better.

  8. your fine, your young, you should see yourself in just four years. Go read a book.

  9. You are not alone in living through this kind of phase. I say phase, because it will pass for sure, one way or another. And you are not anti-social at all, just a bit lost right now, or maybe "blocked" because you don't see the path ahead of you.

    It sure would not hurt if you dealt with the issues you raise. Maybe not so easy, as you say you have no friends, and talking about all these things would be the best start.

    You analyze your situation well, so I am sure you are quite able to find your own way and don't need any counseling. And finding your own way will be a lot more valuable for you.

    You are very young. When you are 30 or 40 years old your experiences of today will probably be just a distant memory.

  10. I think we have the same situation and just live your life right and I also think that it doesn't really matter if you socialize or not as long as you are in the right lane.

  11. you are not anti-social , you see through the c**p and don't want to add to it you are intelligent and an individual . good luck .

  12. Don't worry, you're not alone. I'm not shy either, but i have very few friends. But none of them knew Linkin Park/MCR/A7X etc before they met me.I would suggest you try to find one person you can trust, if not just someone you feel comfortable talking to. It's ok if you don't share any of the same interests because then you can introduce each other to new things. None of my  I just go blank when people i don't usually socialize with talk to me. About your brother: I'm not that much older than him and I started liking the color black when I was eight.

    Don't feel bad for yourself, I'll be happy to be your friend if you can't find anyone else.

  13. Just be who you are, true to yourself and a nice genuine girl, without feeling you have to follow your peers into all the superficial and material stuff.

    You know already at 16 what you like and don't like and you'll eventually find friends who think along the same lines and you'll fit more comfortably.

    As long as you are content with who you are, then you have nothing to fear, so don't worry about what others think.

  14. You're not abnormal, just because you can see through popular culture's thin veneer and don't like what you find underneath.

    You might be enriched by finding people who think the same way you do, who understand your world view and with whom you can engage in conversation because they are not talking drivel back to you, and not looking at you as if you are from another planet because they don't understand you.

    Have a look at this forum thread:

  15. i'm the same exact way

    idk, i've tried to change but it's kind of weird to not act like who i am

    some people think i'm hostile but i can't really help it

    you don't have to change it's just the way you are

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