
I'm an aquarius who knows anything about me based on that?

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Let's see if you can make me believe this stuff. Who am I compatible with? Based on your horoscopical (sorry) knowledge, what personality do you think I have?




  1. You're fun and independent and creative. And we'd probably get along :) I have a lot of aquarius friends

  2. Independent, skeptical, unreliable, funny, aloof, detached, intelligent, quirky, friendly, outgoing.  

    EDIT: Not unreliable in a bad way're there when the chips are down and someone really needs you. It's just that it's hard to pin you down for an exact time and date or commitment.  I didn't mean anything bad by it. I love Aquarius people! :)

    Compatible with Gemini, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries.

  3. I know that the symbol for Aquarius is the water bearer.  Illustrated in literature by the story of Gunga Din who was a real water bearer in service to the French Foreign Legions in the middle east years ago.  Anyway his job was to see to it that the soldiers had water at all times so that they did not dehydrate in the hot desert weather.  This included during the heat of battle.  Gunga Din was extremely proud of his job though many may consider it to have been a small one, he just saw it as the mighty task that was bestowed on him to fulfill and it truly gave his life meaning.  He went about doing his task to the best of his ability and with total selflessness.  He worked what seemed like tirelessly at seeing to it that every man in his platoon never want for water seeing to their thirsts constantly and never complaining about his task.  Til  one day in the midst of a battle while attempting to delivery water to the men who were on the front lines with bullets flying all around them and he scurrying amongst them never worrying about himself and the possibility of being hit just trying to do his job it happened.  A bullet found its mark and he was fallen mortally wounded.  Thus ended the life of a man loved by many for his tireless service to others at a sacrifice of his own life.  This is supposed to be the epitome of the Aquarian person.  Of course not all are so dedicated to the service of their society but many have been.  You wanting to know so much about yourself do not impress me as being such an unselfish  character which means you may not be the person to dedicate your life to seeing to the plight of the less fortunate like Mother Theresa.  Or coming up with great thoughts for society like Albert Einstein and his theory on relativity.  These were just a couple of the greatest known Aquarians.  May be I am wrong.  Maybe some day you wil do something great for society. You are young and wrapped up in "finding yourself" now.  Someday when you have decided what would really make you happy maybe you will follow your heart and/or the heart of a loved one and dedicate you life to a social cause.  Aquarians are good for doing things like that.   You would be best to marry an air sign person.  That would be a Libra, Gemini or Aquarian.  The last should be your last choice. The fire signs are also highly compatible with you.  That be Leos like myself or Sagitarians or Arians.  Fire and air makes for a great conflagaration. Which basically means a big fire.  Interpreted as a great hot romance.  While air and air has a great way of mixing together.  I hopefully my answer will be of some use to you.

  4. You can come off as friendly when people first meet you. But when people try to come close, you tend to step back. You need space and value personal freedom. Any attempt to box you in will likely fail. Some say you're detached but it's not the case,you want to get to know them first. You are however very open minded, optimistic and totally honest. Since you have such a bunt personality, at times you come off rude. But you have big hearts you love animals, different varieties of music and movies.

    Most people say you have a unique personality whether it's outgoing and outspoken or just quiet and sensitive. You tend to float around without quirky personality and sayings like "Don't follow the crowd. Stop with the stereotypes"

    Which brings me to a point that you're not superficial or prejudice,; and you will treat people from all walks of life as equals. Equality and fairness are hallmarks of the sign. If you're quirky and "different", all the better. You'll try to get people to see through superficiality, and encourage you to be open and forthright.

  5. Ahhh, Aquarius, The water bearer. One of my favorite signs. Please note that not everything is true, its mostly based on where ALL the planets are when you were born.

    Now, Aquarius is probably the most independent and original sign of all. They are intellectual and friendly( Aquarius is the house of friends) Your symbol is the water bearer, which shouldn't be taken lightly. Like the bearer, you quench the world with your innovative ideas and are a humanitarian at heart.Speaking of heart, at times it seems like you haven't one. Aquarius can be unemotional, Stubborn, rebellious, and detached, why this is, i don't know, maybe its because you need your freedom and intellectual excitement, you are an air sign which makes you compatible with other air signs, such as Gemini and Libra but Aries and Sagittarius will do good too.

    The greatest gift of the Aquarius is your ability to perceive ideas differently and you don't care who says otherwise.

  6. your favorite color is :  blue, yellow, orange

    you uselly have good days on : wednesday

    the people around you are always impessed with your answers

    you are social but you switch back and forth with them and being alone

    your good with problems

    so did i hit the nail on the head?

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