
I'm an aspiring actress who is Asian. Advantage or Disadvantage?

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Or there's no difference?




  1. There are definitely parts for asians! Many casting directors aren't set on one look. If you show off your personality, they'll fall for you!

  2. no difference.  it all depends if they're looking for someone like you or not.  i read this article about john cho here, it's pretty good: hollywood-opportunities(dotcom).  also, you can look for acting jobs there for free.

  3. allot of times in the us most open rolls dose not call for a Asian  actress you have to hunt high and low for a roll so you need your walking shoes on just to get in the door but all you need to know is when the time comes for you to try out bring your A game and shine as bright as the sun and you go girl  good luck my Asian queen.

  4. ADVANTAGE!!! im am also an aspiring asian actress so I know what your situation is like.  you will look more unique than all the other girls and if they need a girl who looks exotic for plays like "Evita", and "Aieda" than you hav the advantage!!!

  5. no difference girl...i just saw a play with an asian peter pan, and it was the best version of the play i had ever seen! no joke!! if you want to be in plays get out'll make it!!

  6. It doesnt matter what your nationality is. If you have what it takes, then honey, they will take you!

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