
I'm an aspiring writer but i can't seem to get into the mood. can you help me?

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okay. well i am an aspiring writer and i am very good at it. when i told my english teacher I was going to major in english in college she was ecstatic well the only problem i have now is getting into the writing mood. i have times where i just get into a mood and i writer like crazy and it all amazing but other time i just don't want to even thought i have a bunch of ideas buzzing in my head. i tried setting out a time to just write but then other things are on my mind. work, school, friends, family, and i need help balancing it so that i can really get into the mood fro writing. if i'm going to write for a living and be an amazing author need to get this worked out. so what do you think i can do to get myself into the writing mood that i can do it daily to improve myself.




  1. I am a writer too! The same thing happens to me. There are times when I feel like the next Robin McKinley and other times when I just can't do it. Here's an idea: Write a journal/diary style story. It doesn't have to be about you, but apply things that are happening to you to your story. This will help you refocus your energy into your writing. You might also learn to understand yourself better! I have seen a lot of my own quirks come out in my characters. This helps. Create a character who is like you, maybe has just a little of your own spark - and it might do wonders! Just an idea.

  2. You have the answer in yourself;What puts you in the crazy writing moods?Try carrying around a notepad to jot down your ideas.Or just carry a pen more than one book has been written on napkins.The best way to get rid of distractions is to do them first then write after you have relaxed or at the end of the day.

  3. Well the best advice that I have ever gotten was from my art professor when I was graduating. We talked about many things but the one thing I was most afraid of was not being able to work independent of school and the regiment of assignments.

    He told me to always remember that when you make the commitment to be a painter, writer, photographer it is the same thing as making a commitment to a job. You treat it in the same manner, you are not late and you do not call out sick...with out a really good excuse lol.

    You make a time everyday to commit yourself to your job.

    For example, everyday from 8am to 10am and then from 7pm to 10pm I am dedicated to only my art. From day to day what I work on may change but I make a commitment to sitting down and doing something. Drawing, painting, sewing, something that takes steps towards an end goal.

    Now you must be thinking, well I've tried that, or how the h**l could that work. But,trust me, it puts you into a personal regiment and you begin to see writing not as a chore but a habit. And then it evolves from habit into an occupation.

    A "writing mood" will come and go, day to day, it is the nature of being a creative type. But building those steps where you know everyday you will wake up and work on your writing, even if it is just writing down a list of words you enjoy, will help to develop your talent.

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