
I'm an at home mom, with no income. what are good FREE homebased businesses that REALLY WORK??

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i'm an at home mom, with no income. what are good FREE homebased businesses that REALLY WORK??




  1. You can try freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well . List of companies(with websites) offering genuine work at home jobs is available at . Many of these companies have been in business for several years

  2. you could try to take surveys at

    It's a free site and they pay on time every month, they're one of the best survey sites out there.


  3. You could do medical home transcripts or typing tests for different offices. Just beware though because any site that says they need $49.95 to get you started or any money, it's usually B.S. Best of luck.

  4. None. think about it, if that was the case everyone would be doing it. Nothing comes that easy when it comes to making money. You have to have money to make money!! Go get a job. YOU CAN DO IT.

  5. Nothing is FREE, but there are some low cost businesses. Here's just one:

    Learn desktop publishing with your computer and print a local or neighborhood paper or newsletter that people will want to read. There's one in our area that is monthly. It only has 10 pages (photocopied and stapled) and has short articles about local people, politics and events, gives the prices of homes recently sold in the area (very popular), and has free advertising for yard sales and things like that. It makes money from paid advertisements purchased by local businesses, who are willing to pay for the advertising because the circulation is about 2,000.  The owner clears about $10,000 and it is only a part time business that requires a computer, printer, telephone, and a bulk-rate postage permit.

    On a smaller scale, about 5 years ago I started a specialized newsletter dedicated to a specific subject that I'm very knowledgeable about. It's 20 pages and I only publish it 4 times a year. I have 150 subscribers and after expenses I make about $3000 a year from subscriptions, and another couple thousand off related items that I sell (books).

    Your local library should have several books on publishing small periodicals, as well as many other home-based business ideas.

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