
I'm an atheist going to a Catholic high school?

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The only reason I'm going to a Catholic school is for the music program. Unfortunately, going there would also mean I have to take religion. I'm afraid I'll fail it, because I have no idea what its about. What should I say if they ask me how god influences my life? I don't think the Catholic students there would exclude me, its not like I'll go around spreading what I think is right. During orientation day, there were prayers and a mass, which I kinda just stood there amongst the crowd. It was extremely awkward, because I had no idea what I should be doing. My friend taught me the thing where you tap your forehead, shoulders and chest, but I don't think I'm doing it right....embarrassing. Help?




  1. Well just get on with it. Or change schools =/

    Just don't push your beliefs on them and dont let them push theirs on yours.

    And about the "how does god influence your life?" thing just say "i don't believe in god so therefore he doesn't influence my life"

  2. Why should you change your beliefs just to attend a place of learning.

    If they truly follow their own scriptures, they will realise that there is not just one way to God.

    Use your time to learn their beliefs - but aso study others - particularly buddhism. Too many people just think the one they heard first is right.

    It is widely thouht that Jesus travelled learning other religions before returning - so why not do the same?

    Tell them you are there to learn their beliefs - but not "become" one of them untill you look at others.  If they are not biggots, they should accept this. If they don't - go to the papers.

  3. just make up some useless drabble, I was once in your predicament.

    Unless you have to, don't bring up religion and speak as little about it as you can, and DON'T tell anyone, not even your friends, that your an atheist- unless they are completely trustworthy.

    When it comes to mass, you'll pick it up- just stand their with your head down and look like your concentrating really hard on what the priest is saying, and when you have to respond just open your mouth and mouth a few things under your breath, if you really have to, if not just stand with your head bowed like your praying or something, or thinking maybe?

    When it comes to prayers, again- you'll learn really quickly, but until then, if you can get away with just standing with your head bowed,try and mouth stuff.

    The sign of the cross is then thing when you touch your head and stuff-

    You always use your left hand, and touch your forehead and say, 'the father', then touch your stomach- like just below chest and say, 'the sun', then touch you left shoulder and say, 'the holy', then touch your right shoulder and say, 'spirit', or some places say, 'ghost. You say that at the beginning of prayers.

    When it comes to things like RS (religious studies, incase you don't call it that), if you don't know the answer to a question, just say that your previous school didn't teach much about the bible, or your a newly converted christian, or something, again, you'll pick it up. But generally RS is just about what you think, so just say what you think or keep your mouth shut if you can, it's the most useless subject in the world so don't worry too much.

    Good Luck, but whatever you do, don't change your beliefs for a school- nothing's worth that, just keep it to yourself ;)

    By the end of my stay at catholic school i was going insane, and didn't given a d**n what I said about any religion, especially christianity.

  4. There are lots of people who go to Catholic schools who aren't Christians. Keep an open mind. How has God influenced your life? Even though you may not believe in Him, He still influences you. Has He done a miracle in your life even a small one? He's brought you to this catholic school. Perhaps He's trying to bring you closer to Him because He loves you. As for the mass thing, I hear you. I am baptist so I felt like a fish out of water in a catholic service. I didn't know what to do either. But despite our differing customs, I know that Catholics love the one true God just as other Christians and myself.

  5. One of my friends is at a Catholic high school, and he's fine.  He knows more about the rules and stuff of religion, I just stick with the abstract.  It all works out.

  6. Raise your arson level.

  7. hey kid it's nice of you not to be closed minded but religion isn't hard becuase the youngest of kids practice it, just go withj the flow, and if i were you, try to understand God, becuase you'll understand ur self better and fit in more, and ur life will be more fulfilled. i can promise you that kid. and i ain't no Bible basher. try beliveing for a day, no ones gonna discriminate, and you might like the whole idea.

    but don' get urself bogged down withe the though * religion is boring* becuase hey- even God has a sense of humour.

    I appreciate ur "un hateness". i like it a lot. christians should be accepting people anyway and if there not, then tell them they should be, and coming from an atheist, - that'll give em a taste of their own medicine!

  8.   There is never an occasion when telling a lie will benefit you,  The school teaches  a false God and you claim no God.  .What a spiritual waste of time.  .Salvation is not an issue here as God assures the salvation of all..So many of the joys of life are never experienced when God is absent in you life..You can change all this by reading the conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch..It is no accident that you have been given this truth... God bless.

  9. I don't go to a 'catholic school' I come from a place that's 98.8% roman catholic. So everything is catholic and religious be default.

    I know exactly how you feel. Religion (as in JUST the good parts of christianity) as a subject is a must and at a younger age I used to get bullied for not believing.

    Yeah the tapping forhead thing, yawn.

    Either change schools or just bear the stupidity. I don't know what else to say =/

  10. religion class is easy

    I was religious when i went there, but it sucks


  11. you will be fine...

    keep your head down and your mouth shut...

    and remember just because you can recite the Apostles creed does not mean you have to believe it....

  12. Be honest, state that you don't have any real understanding about religion or God or how it could affect your life. Be honest, if you're atheist say you're atheist. You'll probably find people may want to convert you, but will probably be more OK with you than if you pretend you're something you're not. You also may find a lot of conversations about God coming your way though...failing that, just pay a lot of lip service in prayers, etc.

    Blessings and Toodles

  13. I never went to Catholic school, but many in my area are only about %40 catholic students.  The other 60% are other religions, including different Christians.  But this is Seattle, where religion is very mild.  Anyway, the schools do all the Catholic stuff, but they know that many of the students are there for the school, not the religion.  I get the impression they are very accepting of this and they don't mind at all.  So I guess you shouldn't feel like it is awkward for the other people or embarrassing.

  14. Just copy what other people are doing, and work it out. I went to a Christian school and it's not hard, you'll pick it up in a week.


  15. "Unfortunately, going there would also mean I have to take religion. I'm afraid I'll fail it, because I have no idea what its about"

    If you don't know what it is about, how can you not believe in it?  I don't doubt that you call yourself an Atheist, or that you believe you are, but to really be a non-believer, you should at least understand what you don't believe in.  If they ask you what God has meant in your live, be truthful and say you don't know.  I think you'll be okay.  

  16. They should start your religion course in an accessible-to-everyone way. Find whoever will be teaching it and see if he or she (I don't know anything about it either!) will be starting from a ground level. I never took French in high school and made a B my first shot at it in college, so it's not like you can't walk into a class with no clue and figure it out. They should teach first what they test.

    You can always talk about the history of the church. How did god influence my life? Well, I live in a world where the worship of god set up the calender the western world has lived by since the Dark Ages. . .

    Really, ask around for a few clues for beginners. If they're not likely to exclude you, I'm sure they'd be glad to help you fit in a bit more.

  17. Do your best in religion class, keep your private thoughts to yourself, and enjoy the music program!

  18. Go for it.  You can pass.   Religion class is so easy!

    I even got A on final when I was in college.  Guess what, I am Buddhist at that time.  No deal.

  19. Treat it like any other class and when you have to make things up well so be it.You make things up for essays in the English classes so it's no big deal.

  20. sorry...i don't know...but good luck...

  21. I hear you.

    The prayer is totally useless, but at least you get to close your eyes and sleep for a bit.

  22. That sucks.  You'll do fine, however, if you study. Hopefully the religion class is world religions and not catholic only.  Do your best to be honest.  It's the only fair thing you can do for yourself.

  23. Oh, you poor, poor, kid...I feel soooo sorry for you!

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