
I'm an effin fatty...?

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I am 4'6 and 92lbs and I am an effin fatty. I want to know how to lose weight QUICK without pills, and without starving myself, and puking.

Thank you.




  1. Diet and exercise.  

  2. ur at a normal weight. calculate ur body mass index here:

  3. exercise and diet, and what i say- it doesnt matter how much you weight as long as you dont look fat

  4. Well I'm sure you're not a fatty.

    The average weight of a person who is 4'10 is 102-111.

    So you sound like you are in a perfectly good weight rage for your height.

    But if you really want to lose weight, the South Beach diet is freaky effective.

    The first phase of it is basically not eating anything with sugar for two weeks.  So no fruit, bread, potatoes, rice and you can only drink water.

    People lose 8-13 pounds in the first two weeks.  It all depends on how much excess fat a person has.

  5. u r not fat, 92 pounds seem under weight actually.

  6. Run shorty run as fast as you can!!!!!

  7. WTF,

    92lbs!!!!! Thats not even fat. But if your stomach is, then

    you can do situps..  

  8. Wow you do not need to lose weight at all

    Calm down, your not even fat.

  9. i feel the same way. people tell me im not fat and yet i still think i am. its just because you are always your harshest critique. i think you should try the special k challenge and exersize 30 min on the tredmill or swimming. it really works and just try to stick to it. even though im sure your not fat good luck.

  10. I really don't think that you are fat. But your short so if by any chance you do look fat you'll probably just grow and you'll look way skinnier.

    But I know how you feel though getting talked about, ect. So I'll help you. Be active for one, go outside,  take a walk, get into sports. If you can go to the gym and get on treadmill for about 30 minutes then that's also good. I basically would advise anything that give you a good exercise that you have access to, like any workout video's. Exercise at least 3 days a week for about an hour.

    Eat right. Don't eat junk food, fast food, soda, or any sweets and candy. Don't eat fried foods, instead eat baked foods. Stay away from pork. Also don't eat white bread because it's so bad and unhealthy for you, eat wheat bread. Also don't eat TV dinners or anything like that, eat the real food.

    You can eat sweets and stuff like that on the weekends, but monday-friday eat completely healthy and exercise.

    Also make sure your eating fruit and vegetables everyday, more vegetables then fruit. I don't care if you don't like it, if you never eat them it's going to show up on your skin and hair.

    Drink a lot of water. Make sure your getting your proper everday vitamins.

    Also don't just do this until you lose weight, make this a life style because you should  live everyday healthy. You'll live a long healthy life if you live like this. You'll feel way better and more energetic.

    And don't undereat because you feel you need to, to lose weight. If you don't get atleast 1200 calories your body will start storing fat and you'll gain a lot of weight.

    Come on my page and e-mail me if you have any questions. Don't forget to indicate who you are.

  11. Go on Jenny Craig/weight watchers/nutrisystem

  12. I don't know who told you you were fat of if you just convinced yourself. The numbers you've posted do NOT indicate you're fat.

    Eat sensible healthy food and stop eating when you feel full. You will maintain a healthy life style. Good Luck

  13. **** that u rnt fat now im fluffy im bout 260ish and i dont care if im fat or ne1 else and if ne1 else calls ya fat u stab their dumb asses with a frickin sharp spoon

  14. Why would people say that to you when your not fat? and there is NO WAY you are obese so I dont know why your doctor would have had this talk to you. Your almost underweight!  

  15. your not fat at all and if you want to lose weight become a vegetarian i lost 10lbs that way in 2 weeks

  16. -sigh- you're not an "effin fatty"

  17. That is not fat at all!  Besides if you are 4'6" you are probably still really young and will lose baby fat in the next few years.

  18. and an effin shorty

  19. You are not fat and don't degrade yourself by using swear words to describe yourself!

  20. O: How old are you? 4"6?! You shouldn't even be thinking about things like that when you're that little. You should just focus on school. If you eat healthy, you'll lose the weight in a healthy way. Don't worry about how much you weigh until you're about 14-ish. Even then, you shouldn't sweat it.


  21. You're not even fat.

  22. Thats NOT fat!!!! look it's  NORMAL to weigh that at you height.

              you DONT need to lose weight. And f*ck the doctor im about that weight and im about that tall.  Also FORGET those Friggin idiots who make fun of you! Just tell them SHUT UP!!! and say how would you feel if you said that to them then say tell me when you grow up and say i dont expect to hear from you anytime soon then.

  23. your not overweight, you just have mental problems

    go see a therapist

  24. 2 simple things

    eat healthy and be active

    you need to be very active! do sports and a lot of them!

    you should be under 80lbs

    but you really shouldn't worry about it toomuch until you're at least 5'0"

    it sounds like you're a victim of bad parenting

    healthy weight chart (females only)











    (this weight chart gives a healthy weight to height ratio according to a BMI scale and even gives a few pounds to spare)

  25. If 92 pounds is fat for your height, I must be a MONSTER.

    But it helps to drink lots of water, for staying hydrated, and to make you feel more full. Dancing is also a fun and easy way to lose weight.

  26. give me a break....  92 lbs is not that bad for 4.6 and you need to eat right and exercise and you will be fine.

  27. you are not even close to fat hun.

    92 pounds is a rake and i am sure you look good/beautiful.  

  28. That is not fat at all, it's not even chubby.

  29. Your not fat!

  30. do crunches and run and stuff like that and drink lots of water

  31. You do realize 2 1/2 of you make 1 of me. Your weight and height are fine. no worries.

    I was with you till this - "i went to the doctor, and he gave me the "obese talk".   ummmm NO he didnt!!!
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