
I'm an idiot Chilli pepper burning ? HELP :D?

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So since I am an idiot I didn't use gloves to cut green chili peppers- and at first I was fine and now hours later I am having this insane burning reaction on my left hand radiating from my middle finger, and the where it mostly is- there are little bumps.

After I cut the chilli's I did use soap/salt/lemon/alcohol and aloe to make sure I got it all off- plus I had an issue with it getting in my nose, inhaled it :P SO-- my hand is burning what else can I do? I tried milk already didn't work.

And are there such things as severe allergic reactions to peppers on skin?




  1. The only thing you can do is ice it. You have used everything else that you could possibly use. You have burnt yourself quite badly and like a sunburn you are just going to have to wait for it to heal.  

  2. Lol stupidity.

    Soat them in milk.

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