
I'm an overweigt teen.?

by  |  earlier

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Hey im 14 and weigh 198lbs im 5' 9" so i dont look to fat but i want to lose weigth help




  1. stop drinking pop and juice and replace it all with water

    stop eating desserts

    walk 30 minutes every other day

    wait 6 months

  2. the only sure way to lose weight is to eat healthy and exercise. that being said, we all have to enjoy life, eating is a pleasurable experience for 95% of us, the other 5% have issues that were not here to get into right now, your gonna pig out sometimes. so push away from that computer and go for a bike ride. do you really need dessert tonight? :-) good luck!

  3. Try this:

    Exercise for at least 1 hour a day

    Don't consume more then 1800 calories a day (you have to burn more calories then you consume to lose weight-so you should eat 3 meals a day that should be no more then 600 calories each)


    only have 1 snack a day-and it should be something healthy (a cup of plain, unsalted, unbuttered, unanything popcorn would be a good choice)

    avoid condiments

    you might be overweight, but I'm not sure. I'm 16 and I weigh're 2 inches taller then me, though

    EDIT-I checked-for your age and height, you should weigh no more then 169.3  pounds, so you are overweight...

    your Body Mass Index is 29.2, by the way..30+ is considered obese, so losing some weight would be very good for your health and your self esteem

  4. umm u might be a bit overweight but your pretty tall id have to see u personally , but that sounds ok for your height =)

  5. wrong section. sry.  

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