
I'm and new snake owner and i need help.!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a couple questions.

First is, when snakes shed do they get mean?

He's like sitting in the corner breathing really heavy and he hasn't moved away from his water in like two days, he wont go to the side with the light. He's never snapped at me before and i just put my hand in there and he did, is that normal?

And also, i pulled on the skin, 'cause i thought he was done, but i think i might of unattached the skin to him, is that okay?




  1. snakes are not big movers so no concern he has been staying in one spot. whatever you do do not try to pull dead skin off it will come off on its own.

  2. OK first welcome to the wonderful world of snake keeping.

    Now for you first question:

    No they do not get mean when they shed. when they go into shed the cannot see all to well and the striking at you is only a defensive reaction. and it normal for a snake to sit in one place for a long time.

    Just make sure that the temperature is in the acceptable range and the same with the humidity. It is not wise to pull the shed from your snake it could cause him problems. If he/she is having problems shedding I suggest that you mist him/her with water a couple times a day. And or soak him in luke worm water.

    I hope this helps you some.

    Feel free to e-mail me if I can help you any further.

  3. Yeaah They Get Snappy Thats Normal.

    But You Should Never Pull The Skin Off, Take Him To A Vet Just To Get Him Checked Just To Make Sure He's Okaay.

    :) x

  4. yeah they get nippy,they cant see and are not sure whats going on around them. here's the thing, whenever snakes shed there is fluid that's builds up between the old skin and the new skin that pushes the old skin off, and it creates allot of pressure on them. whenever you see your snakes eye's go gray, don't mess with him it is very uncomfortable for the snake. and don't feed your snake after that either, that also creates allot of pressure and that could lead to them regurgitating there food. and sometimes after they regurgitate there food it is hard to get them to eat again.

    also when you see his eye's go gray, raise the humidity in the tank you can do this simply by spraying him down once a day with water out of a completely clean spray bottle. make sure there is no chemicals in it. spray him down once a day until he sheds it will speed up the process and make the skin come off allot easier. don't try and help him. let him do it on his own. after the snake gets very comfortable around you, you can help it a little but don't pull off any skin that it still stuck on him just pull of the loose skin.  also you can feed him as soon as he is done shedding as he will work up an appetite. hope this helps if you have anymore questions feel free to ask!!!   and good luck

  5. when they get mean like that and they are shedding do what i did i just wore gloves to protect me from the bite or if its a new snake and its not big at all like a baby it wont hurt at all

  6. dont mess with his skin when he's shedding. my snake had problems with his first two layers, and i was told to give him a bath... so i started to let him soak in warm water for maybe 20 min a day, and i looked at him the other day and his skin came off in one piece. just dont pick at it.

    and they dont get mean when they shed. maybe he needs to eat, idk.

  7. congrats for ur new pet!

    sryi dont know answers to most questions but NEVER pull snakes or any reptiles skin off for it as it is dangerous for the snake, what i would recomend it vet asap (as soon as possible). sorry i couldnt be anymore help. sry for snapping, good luck with your snake hope he gets better soon.

  8. d**n people, do your research...

    as others have said, do not touch his skin. if he is laying on the cold side, do you have hides on both sides? hides like half logs or something are crucial. without hides, he could become very stressed and may not eat. make sure you are feeding him like you should. make sure the rodent is appropriately sized. when in shed, snake go temporarily blind so snapping is normal. e cant see so he feels threatened and vulnerable. this is one reason why hides are so important

  9. Leave  him alone!  Molting (shedding the skin) is very demanding for the snake physically and is a very vulnerable time--he doesn't know you're his buddy, you're just something intruding on his molting and he's scared.  Well, scared is kind of a human emotion, but in the wild animals who feel vulnerable or are in pain get aggressive.  Even a dog will snap if it's injured.  

    It can take as long as 1 day to 2 weeks from the time he starts until the skin is completely shed, and during this time he may not eat and will not be his usual friendly self.  Have a tasty treat ready to give him when he's done and recovered.

  10. Some snakes get nippy when they are shedding.  The shedding process can take up to two weeks from beginning to end.  If your snake has a bad shed (it comes off in bits and pieces) take a plastic box, large enough for your snake to fit in it comfortably.  Get the short boxes for soaking snakes…the box should be about the height to go under a bed.  Drill several small holes along the sides at the top for airflow (this box can also be used as a feeding tub for your snake).  Put about a half inch or an inch of lukewarm water (about 80 Fahrenheit) and put the top on the plastic tub and “soak” the snake for about 3 hours (changing the water every so often if needed).  The reason to do this in a plastic tub with only a half inch or inch of water is because it's the humidity that this creates that helps the skin loosen and come off easier for your snake.  

    Good luck.


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