
I'm angry often, people bug me, I find fault with many. I'm 47 and I used to be so friendly. ?

by  |  earlier

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What's wrong with Me? I'm very outgoing, but I just say it like it is and I"m not even from New York-;-D

thanks for some insight.




  1. You need s*x.

  2. Well, when you become middle-aged, you go through a "change," as I'm sure you're aware. That could have something to do with it. My mother was very irritable about that time.

    Talk to your family doctor. You may want to try something such as Wellbutrin. It's a mild mood-regulator. Basically, it takes the "edge" off. My mom was on it for a while. It's nothing too strong, and it isn't a strong drug. What may be happening is that your hormones have gotten out of balance.

    It doesn't mean you're "bitchy," it's just a fact of life.

    Good luck, and stick in there. You sound like a real trooper. My mother is an EBD teacher who has worked with students with autism. I've interacted with them before, and as I'm sure you've heard, just be patient.

    Stay golden! Oh, and if you ever need to vent just be mean to children. You have seniority so it's O.K. (kind of kidding about that but whatever works)

  3. Sounds like you need a good therapist

  4. I don't think you're alone with this first of all.  Everyone feels like this once in awhile.  I found that when I am unhappy with myself that is when these feelings usually come up.  Maybe something is happening in your life and you don't know how to make it right.  Maybe you're unhappy with the way you look.  Maybe you are holding resentments.  I don't know.  But I do know you should look at yourself and do what needs to be done if you have control over it.  When we feel good about ourselves, we feel good for everyone.  Good Luck!

  5. Try to breathe more calmly everytime you start to feel.. "Grumpy" or short tempered.

    And just think about when the day is over, you'll be able to sleep.. (Works for me..)

    I do that, because I'm pretty short tempered.. >.>

    Lol, I'm from New York.. I guess its a match made in heaven. =D

  6. I feel the same way....and im only 23...yikes.

  7. There are a number of possible causes...

    Depression (mid-life crisis, perhaps? Not that you're mid-life, but it happens younger)

    Menopause (you're a little young for that, though)



    Oh, I just saw what you added. I'm sorry about your mom, that's very hard.

    It sounds trite, but I would suggest doing yoga or meditating. You should also write your thoughts down in a journal. Talking to a therapist might really help.

  8. The stress intensifies the need to forgive..yourself and others.

    Now you really have to focus on it. Get a I used was by Robin Casarjian. It can help you realize everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge they. If they knew better, they'd do better.

  9. I DO live in New yeah, I totally understand!

    You might be going through a season of life that you need more "alone" time. When that happens, humanity does tend to irritate.

    Also, you might make sure you're getting enough sleep. And that you're drinking enough water. Taking vitamins. Etc. Anytime your body is out of whack, it can also affect your emotions.

  10. You sound like my husband, he's 44 and a total jerk.  

    Have you had your blood pressure checked?  It could be a sign of high blood pressure.  Are you under a lot of stress? Can you find ways to relax?  

  11. You're getting old and cranky.  I'm 45 and I can't drive to the end of my block without some lame *** driver annoying me.  It's downhill from there.  I often find myself asking why people do rude and stupid things.  I would never act like that.  Maybe we have a superiority complex.  On the surface I don't think I'm better than other people but deeper down. . . ?

  12. I understand the pressures and demands you are under. I think your angry is possible a coping mechanism of dealing with the pressuers you are dealing with........

    Without sounding patronising, i really really do understand the pressures you are under. Personally i find 60mg of prozac a day a a weekly psychotherapist a good 'coping tool'l ol

    Seriously though please seek additional help, you may think you are coping and saving others from the pressures but deep down that is not the case and the end result is car crash!

    Please get the help you need and deserve now!

    Good luck my friend, please share your responsibilities, i really do know how hard this will be but you will feel so much better x

  13. I think it's honest to admit that.  As a woman I think we are expected to put up with anything or risk being called a b***h, because we don't indulge everyone in their immaturaties.  Be friendly with the people only you enjoy.  Life is to short to be running around pleasing holes.  You have a lot on your plate and noone should give you their c**p to put up with.  Your not whining or complaining so that makes you one h**l of a person already. I hope your husbands business does really well and you can take a vacation and have the relaxation and fun you deserve.

  14. Your just an a*****e... (But it's ok, I am too) ;-)

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