
I'm appalled at some of the people here?

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I just answered half a dozen questions here and I just had to say that I am appalled at some of the answers I read. Unless you are a doctor you have no place diagnosing people on the internet! One answer even read “I’m thinking about becoming a psychologist, IM me and I’ll help you”. Come on people! If you are depressed, having hallucinations, or any have other mental issues that you are concerned about GO SEE A DOCTOR! If you have a doctor who is not receptive, get a new one! Someone answered “find a dr that is booked”. I agree. I am bipolar and have switched dr’s many times. You have to find a doctor that you are comfortable with, that you can trust with your darkest ugliest secrets. It took me 2 years to find a team (psychologist and psychiatrist) that has really made the difference for me. I had to wait 4 months for an appointment with the psychiatrist and she is damned good. If you are on here because you say you don’t care about life……. You care enough to question….. Go get help. If you think about suicide, go get help soon! If you have tried to commit suicide….. you care enough about yourself to express a need for help, do not ask a bunch of complete strangers what to do…. Go immediately to the Emergency Room where trained professionals can help save your life!

For those people who say “Stop whining and get off your ***”, you have no idea what you’re talking about so keep your mouth shut, most people who are depressed get enough of that from their families.

My question is for those who say “Yes, you are definitely schizophrenic”, or “he is definitely bipolar, be careful he’ll abuse you”, or any other uneducated, ignorant, arrogant, answers……. Where did you get your medical degree?




  1. A star to you. I guess this could be considered ranting, but I won't report you as you do have a really good point. I only answer questions that I have life experience in dealing with such as questions about depression or psychosis. I don't answer questions about eating disorders or ocd or other things as I just don't know and I really don't care about points so I pick and choose which one to answer to the best of my knowledge. I agree with you that people think they know it all and offer their undeducated support, but that simply doesn't help people. Anyways I'm on here to share my experiences and learn from others.

  2. Calm down. People ask the questions to get advice. Yes some may over step the boundaries a little and claim to "know" more then they probably do. Some people know things from self experience. Either way, most of the people do say to seek medical help, and even if they don't, they're answering the questions the best way they can, and since there are usually several answers you get many different options to go on. You need to relax, and stop getting so worked up over nothing.

    I myself have bi-polar and have given advice to many..if it helps great, if it doesn't, well I tried. Chill out!!  

  3. If other people's answers appall you, try thinking about just answering a question in your own way and less about how others answer questions.

    This might help keep your focus on being helpful the best way you know how.   Best Wishes.

  4. i agree! well said . i hear ya.

  5. Bravo! Couldn't have said it better myself. I really hate the dimwits who have to say something mean or insensitive to people who are having a lot of difficulty. There are also those who log on just to indulge in their symptoms.

  6. Thank, you, thank you, thank you, a voice of reason! As a nurse, I have asked the same thing.  I can't diagnose by law, just share professional knowledge, give support and point someone in the right direction for help. And I share my personal experience as a person with bipolar and try to erase the stigma of mental illness. If someone says, "I have depression" than I can address it up front, not say, I think you have depression. It is okay to say, you sound depressed. Use your words wisely when speaking to a vulnerable person.

    It is amazing how many medical degrees they give out on the web. My favorite remarks:

    It's hormonal, because you are a teen, it's normal!

    Read the Bible and pray, you dont need pills!

    Oh grow up!


    Mental illnesses are biological brain illnesses, they can be SEEN on brain scans. The #4 killer of American kids ages 10-14 is SUICIDE. The numbers get worse as we age.

    I would have thought with all the information out there and high tech research this generation would be different, I guess not.

    Thank you to the person who raised this issue, well done!

  7. I can see your point and I do agree with you.   But you say that YOU have answered half a dozen questions -   You are not a doctor either so how come you are answering questions?  Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

  8. I must say that I totally agree with your statements and I also want to thank you for having the guts to express yourself.

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