
I'm asking again.....please answer this question...maybe you know of a person has had this happen too .....?

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I'm really hoping this is the month for my hubby and I. I teach and have gone back to work, and he works 2nd shift, so we are limited to s*x on weekends. (or really early/late...conflicting schedules suck)! Anyway, this past month was our last month of "trying" since I had all summer off. I'm just hoping. My LMP was 7/27/08, ovulation btwn 8/11/08-8/14/08, brown streaked CM when wiping on 8/20/08, and negative hpts 2 days ago. I have been extremely tired, headaches, and pain last few days in ovaries (mainly right side). That's it though. Please let me know what you think. I am going to doctor Sept. 10th if I don't get prego by then to see what is up...been ttc for 11 months.




  1. its to early for pregnancy symptoms and many pregnancy symptoms are the same as when your period is about to start. HPT work best a couple of days after  you've missed your period so if your period is late by a couple of days do another test; almost all HPT are pretty accurate after you've missed period so you should have definitive answer soon as to whether your pregnant or not

  2. My LMP was also 27th Jul & AF was supposed to be here yesterday or today (I hope she is NOT visiting this time). I plan to test on Sat & good luck to both of us. Been TTC for 9 mths now.

    At the moment, I have sore bbs & also slight crampty at lower tummy, i just pray its not PMS

  3. Maybe implantation?  And I get symptoms two days after conception.  I know way earlier than a home pregnancy test will show.  Best of luck!!!

  4. It is very possible that you just tested too early, it is recommended that you miss a period before you test and it is better to wait a week after you miss you period.

  5. Typical pregnancy symptoms usually do not appear until after you miss your period and after the pregnancy test is positive.

    Many women with typical symptoms are not pregnant and many pregnant women have no typicall symtoms.

    Some pregnant women may experience all, some, or none of the typical pregnancy symptoms:

    For most women, missing a menstrual period is usually the very first sign that they are pregnant.

    Nausea and morning sickness are usually among the earliest pregnancy symptoms

    Even before missing a period, some pregnant women report having to go to the bathroom more often.

    Tiredness and exhaustion could be among the very early sign of pregnancy.  

    b*****s may often become tender, similar to the way they feel before your period.

    Having a typical biphasic or triphasic temperature chart

    Many of these symptoms usually do not appear until after a missed period when hCG levels are high enough to induce these symptoms, often weeks after implantation.

    Only by doing a pregnancy test after you miss your period (it's positive in 51% of women 1-2 days before a missed period) can you find out if you are pregnant or no.

  6. Hm wel this is what happend to me in 2006 I had my lmp July 21 and then we had s*x every other day it seemed lol tryed hard and the 11th i whiped after urinating and had a brownis pink streak very little i heard of implantaion bleeding bt though i was just being silly plus we just got done baby dancing and who knew right. Well i was sapose to get my period the 21st of aug so i thight and i peed on a stick and bam A faint line i knew Bc my friend use the same kind of test and it did the same thing she turned out prego i turned out prego so i realy Hope you turn out Pregnant good luck and Baby dust

    ps taking my first round of clomid the 8th Didi you try any drugs?

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