
I'm asking local companies for donations prizes. What would you want for a prize? Any ideas of how to ask??

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I work at an apartment community and we are having a contest for the residents. It's been difficult to say the least, getting the residents involved. So, I really wanted to get some ideas for prizes from a bunch of people. Serious please!

Also, we are a bit of a cash strapped property, so any tips for getting the donations I'm going to ask for would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the help!




  1. I'd recommend things like spa packages for women, or gym certificates, specialty food shops, or area shops where ppl in your bdg shop. You will need to show the companies you're appealing to that this is a benefit for them: a while apartment building's worth of ppl will first of all become familiar with the company, a good experience will ensure personal recommendations, free publicity for them, build community ties.

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