
I'm at the beach and there was just a shark attack about 30 miles down do i have anything to be worried about?

by  |  earlier

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also all my sponsored surf stuff is yellow do sharks really like yellow enough to eat my on a longboard???




  1. I wouldn't do it. Take the day off.

  2. Answer:

    Of course you should be worried if there was just a shark attack! You should always be careful when out in the waters. That is their territory.

    No, your yellow longboard isn't going to cause the shark to eat on you or it. As I understand it, most sharks have somewhat poor vision.

    They hunt by smell at long distance. EG: blood, etc in the water.

    Next they track vibrations in the water as they move closer. Struggling, wounded fish are prime targets.

    Even closer in, they follow electrical disturbances in the water. They have organs along the sides of the nose that can sense the electricity from your nervous system when they get close enough.

    Last, they only really use their eyes AFTER they have decided to attack for final adjustments to their aim.

    Then at the last second, on many species, their eyelids are closed to protect the eyes and they just bite whatever happens to be in front of them.

    Once a shark has gotten to the final aiming part, I guess you might make it a bit easier for it by having the sharply contrasting colors, but I don't think you would be more likely to provoke attack based only on the colors you wear.

    **** Finally ******

    Why are you online, in Yahoo! Answers if you are at the beach? Get off line and go enjoy the outdoors. Breathe the fresh air. Exercise your body. Enjoy yourself!

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