
I'm at the height of irritation... advise.?

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So, I suppose the question is "How on earth does one cope in a completely pointless existence for 15 months?"

Every time I go outside sand embeds itself in my flesh as I swelter in obnoxious heat. When I bring food to work it gets sand in it. There's sand lodged in my nails and scalp and the corners of my eyes.

Also, these nightmarish camel spiders keep me awake at night, and yesterday I woke up to a mouse eating my book. My friend smashed my computer through cunning use of his ability to fall down, so I have no music, movies or pictures, I'm banished to a tent, and my job would make a houseplant sob with boredom.

I have 4 more months of this. My entire social life is based around smoking with the friends with whom I am being punished.

What would you do to keep yourself sane?




  1. Please take extra good care of yourself and don't so anything silly to ease the boredom (I'm sure you won't, it just popped out).

    And be EXTRA careful of that Aussie camp, those fellas know a thing or two about water balloons and they've got deadly aim ;-P

    Speaking of which, do you guys and gals get a 'ration' of c0nd0ms? They make pretty effective water b0mbs (so I've, ummmm, 'heard').

    A book or memoir would be a wonderful gift for your kids, someday, too, especially the funny and 'real' bits people don't talk about much.

    In my family letters about the life my grandfather and uncles and father lived 'over there' are treasures to us, a book would have been fantastic.

    Also, it's just occurred to me ... would octopus be good in a slingshot? Hmmm, don't tell any Aussies I said that!

    Cheers :-)

  2. if you are coming out in four months get off the f**s and get on to a fitness regimen.  if you're looking good you'll be feeling good and then you can get a job that won't make those houseplants sob.

    I keep sane with reading and cross stitch but it is not everyone's taste.

  3. I would start writing a book. Memoirs, fiction, whatever.

    I think a lighthearted "Bridget-Jones' Diary" style book from the perspective of a modern military woman would be great.

  4. I have no clue.  I have a friend in the military who has served 3 terms in Iraq.  He claims it is easier than teaching 1st graders....I find that VERY difficult to believe especially after you have your commanders brains splattered all over you.  There is nothing easy about it.

    EDIT- Wow dsds...15 months gestation time?!  What do you think she is an elephant?

  5. wear a bikini.

    it works for the beach volleyballers.

    good luck

  6. I still have some buddies in the Marines, some of them are requesting Afghanistan because Iraq has become so boring.

    Actually those in Iraq and Afghanistan have a higher re-enlistment rate than those state side.

    We have a local AM station that have care package drives all of the time.  

  7. that sounds unbearable.

  8. I detach myself from my own emotions/feelings.

    Step completely outside yourself, step outside your room, step outside your house. Keep on stepping outside yourself, layer by layer with no feelings (sad, mad, good, bad) to a point outside the universe.

    Now start looking back slowly. Dissect situations in your life, situations on tv, even the outside lives of your friends. By the end of it you'll realize the reason to stay sane...

  9. If you email your address, I'll send care packages???? That really is the best we here can do for you there.  I really appreciate the sacrifices that you are making for us.  My niece has done two tours over there and I sent her feminine jammies, hair things and good smelly things.  She's pregnant stateside now.  I told her jestingly that it probably wasn't the easiest way not to go back.

    Love and support to you and your troop.

  10. Been there done that....HA home now! :p (said with love from another military girl)  

    Try....TRY to get out and mix with the locals when possible.  (of course be careful)  There is so much to learn, only four more months...and least you have internet i cant say that.

    read, card games, hand held video games, normal military procedure talk snit and bs with the guys.

    Warning: if your not one already, learning about the local culture will turn you into a feminist.  Simple as that.

    lol I'll send ya balloons if you havnt ordered them...used to carry water gun around with me. hehe. ya.  i was little closer to the people I suppose.  The women seemed to drop there guard a lot in the bathroom of all places...but they would seem relaxed and more "normal" i suppose.  Weirdest/best care package i ever got (they were randomly handed out) was a box full of pocket pu$$ies had like 30 in there.  had a blast handing them out to the guys....the looks I got. : )

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