
I'm at work right now and I have a major stress headache?

by  |  earlier

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What can I do to relieve it besides taking medicine? I don't have any medicine here.




  1. Headache often influences our mood, our capacity to work and rest, and in some cases it can turn our private

    life into a nightmare! Why does it happen? Why our head aches? Doctors came to the conclusion that our health

    depends on our emotions in many aspects, on how strong we react to life troubles, whether we become angry

    with other people often. Emotional factors play an important role in appearance of headache for many people,

    and sometimes these reasons can become determinant. But not the only ones…

  2. drink some pure orange juice

  3. drink some water take a couple deep breathes.

  4. try to find the cause of the stress ...correct it or try to aliveate the effect on you ...take a break..depending on the cause [ whether it be your boss or production quota,s or other] one can tell you how fast you must acomplish your task...just do your best...fresh air or a few breath,s of oxygen can aleviate the headache...most importantly you must relax...cover your eye,s with a damp cloth & try to relax for a while....if nessary leave work on the basis that you cannot function properly....relax & forget your problem,s...good luck!

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