
I'm baby-sitting what do I do with them?

by  |  earlier

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The boys are 4,7,9. The girl is 7.




  1. Set games up in front of the T.V and make some snacks.

  2. You all can play duck duck goose. Maybe a broad game. Or all of you  can watch a movie. With the boys. Let them watch a movie. Or they can play a board game. Or they can play duck duck goos together. Then you can go hangout with the girl. With the girl. You two can play hairdresser, or  talk about some stuff. I forgot. All of you can go to the park. If its ok with the parents. And if its sunny.

  3. --sidewalk chalk (outside of course)

    --board games

    --nature walk

    --'baking' jello pudding, koolaid, decorate cookies with frosting and candies


    --dance/singing 'contest'

    --bike riding

    --hide and seek

    --neat science experiments

    --suprise them with a movie you rented

    --finger painting

    --scavenger hunt ( have them look for things in their neighborhood.

    reward them with points for each thing.)

    --play with water guns or sprinkler

    --some physical activities like hopscotch or soccer

    --video games or tv

    --you can play a game called oink. the way you play is one person is "it" and then the other people sit in a line in front of the person who is it. the person who is it tries to make the others laugh but this game might be hard since you be playing it with little kids.

    --play "school" u cud be the teacher

    --duck duck goose


    Also for the girl, you can have a spa day, just you two. Hair, nails, toes. thats fun. Lots of moms have left over make up and fake jewels for the kids.

    good luck =]


  4. Coffee filters and food dye makes for a good project.  When they dry, hang them in the window.  Go on a treasure hunt around the house and yard.  Prepare a list of simple things for the kids to hunt for.  The winner gets to help you prepare a snack for the others.

  5. well why are you babysitting if you dont know what to do?

  6. For the boys you can set them up with toys and games the older one can play with the little one.

    You can polish your nails with the girl and do yours and her hair.

    After you set her up with toys or whatever and spend time playing with the boys..

    * I dont know where you live but where I live is rainning a lot!

    if it is not rainning where yoiu live take them to the park or backyard and do a picnic

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