
I'm babysitting a 2 yr old and an 8 yr old(boys) i need help on what to do with them.....?

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something that both of them wont get bored with....the older one just likes to sit infront of the TV and eat...the little one is way more only 13 and these are my cousins..the older one feels that he doesnt have to listen to me so i cant really get him to go outside..the lil one is always up for goin outside and like me..hates TV...plz give me some tips on wut to do...i really hate letting them sit in the house on a nice day just to watch tv...its soo boring and unhealthy




  1. Go outside and make mudpies. Get sidewalk chalk.

  2. whenever I babysit i always find it helpful to do fun projects that will keep the older kids busy and you can help the little kids through. So far this year with the kids i babysit (4, 6, & 8 yrs old) we've tie-dyed tshirts, (messy but fun) had picnic's and things like that. their favorite activity though was setting up a tent in teh back yard and pretending to camp. its easy stuff that keeps them busy, and will deffinatly keep you sane

  3. No matter what he says, you're in charge. Don't let him tell you how to run the house. He is 5 years younger than you, don't be afraid to turn the TV off and tell him to go outside every now and then.

    Ask their parents how long he is allowed to watch TV, then follow what they said.

    Tell the 8 year old that he can watch TV for a half hour, but then everybody has to go outside for a half hour. Make sure you go outside first so that he doesn't trick you and refuses to leave the TV.

    Don't be afraid to give Time-outs if he acts up either. Have him sit at the kitchen table for 10 minutes or sit on the couch.

    Good luck:)

  4. find a fun outside game for both of them to play

  5. Prepare a box with different activites in it. You could have coloring books, puzzles, games. You could find something that he enjoys that can brought outside. I may have more later.


    "No, no, he didn't slam you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you ... he rubbed you. And rubbin', son, is racin'." -- Harry Hogge

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